"language": "es",
"messages": [
"id": "Restricted Page",
"message": "Restricted Page",
"translation": "Página Restringida"
"id": "This function is only allowed for paid users. Please upgrade",
"message": "This function is only allowed for paid users. Please upgrade",
"translation": "Esta función solo está permitida para usuarios de pago. Por favor actualice su plan"
"id": "Continue to Upgrade",
"message": "Continue to Upgrade",
"translation": "Continuar para actualizar plan"
"id": "Social bookmarking plus link sharing, shortening and listings all in one app.",
"message": "Social bookmarking plus link sharing, shortening and listings all in one app.",
"translation": "Marcadores sociales más compartir enlaces, acortar y listar, todo en una aplicación."
"id": "Welcome to LinkTaco! Here you can mix all your link saving and sharing needs in one tight little bundle. Much like a taco. A link taco if you will.",
"message": "Welcome to LinkTaco! Here you can mix all your link saving and sharing needs in one tight little bundle. Much like a taco. A link taco if you will.",
"translation": "¡Bienvenido a LinkTaco! Aquí puedes combinar todas tus necesidades de guardar y compartir enlaces en un pequeño paquete compacto. Como un taco. Un taco de enlaces, por así decirlo."
"id": "social bookmarks, bookmarking, links, link sharing, link shortening, link listings, bookmarks, link saving, qr codes, analytics",
"message": "social bookmarks, bookmarking, links, link sharing, link shortening, link listings, bookmarks, link saving, qr codes, analytics",
"translation": "marcadores sociales, guardar marcadores, enlaces, compartir enlaces, acortar enlaces, listar enlaces, marcadores, guardar enlaces, códigos QR, análisis"
"id": "Please login to view multiple tag combos (sorry, this is to help stop bot abuse)",
"message": "Please login to view multiple tag combos (sorry, this is to help stop bot abuse)",
"translation": "Por favor, inicie sesión para ver combinaciones de etiquetas múltiples (esto es para evitar el abuso de bots)."
"id": "The passwords you entered do not match.",
"message": "The passwords you entered do not match.",
"translation": "Las contraseñas introducidas no coinciden."
"id": "Edit Profile",
"message": "Edit Profile",
"translation": "Editar Perfil"
"id": "Save",
"message": "Save",
"translation": "Guardar"
"id": "Default Lang",
"message": "Default Lang",
"translation": "Idioma por defecto"
"id": "Timezone",
"message": "Timezone",
"translation": "Zona horaria"
"id": "Name",
"message": "Name",
"translation": "Nombre"
"id": "Username",
"message": "Username",
"translation": "Nombre de Usuario"
"id": "Image",
"message": "Image",
"translation": "Imagen"
"id": "Back",
"message": "Back",
"translation": "Atrás"
"id": "Cancel",
"message": "Cancel",
"translation": "Cancelar"
"id": "Spanish",
"message": "Spanish",
"translation": "Español"
"id": "English",
"message": "English",
"translation": "Inglés"
"id": "Profile updated successfully",
"message": "Profile updated successfully",
"translation": "Perfil actualizado con éxito"
"id": "Settings",
"message": "Settings",
"translation": "Ajustes"
"id": "Slug",
"message": "Slug",
"translation": "Slug"
"id": "Subscription",
"message": "Subscription",
"translation": "Subscripción"
"id": "Is Active",
"message": "Is Active",
"translation": "Es Activo"
"id": "Email",
"message": "Email",
"translation": "Correo electrónico"
"id": "Default Language",
"message": "Default Language",
"translation": "Idioma por defecto"
"id": "Organizations",
"message": "Organizations",
"translation": "Organizaciones"
"id": "Current Organization",
"message": "Current Organization",
"translation": "Organización Actual"
"id": "Action",
"message": "Action",
"translation": "Acción"
"id": "Edit",
"message": "Edit",
"translation": "Editar"
"id": "Members",
"message": "Members",
"translation": "Miembros"
"id": "Actions",
"message": "Actions",
"translation": "Acciones"
"id": "Change password",
"message": "Change password",
"translation": "Cambiar Contraseña"
"id": "Update email",
"message": "Update email",
"translation": "Actualizar correo electrónico"
"id": "Edit profile",
"message": "Edit profile",
"translation": "Editar perfil"
"id": "Manage Your Organizations",
"message": "Manage Your Organizations",
"translation": "Gestionar tus Organizaciones"
"id": "Upgrade Org",
"message": "Upgrade Org",
"translation": "Actualizar Organización"
"id": "Complete Registration",
"message": "Complete Registration",
"translation": "Completar Registro"
"id": "Full Name",
"message": "Full Name",
"translation": "Nombre Completo"
"id": "Password",
"message": "Password",
"translation": "Contraseña"
"id": "Registration Completed",
"message": "Registration Completed",
"translation": "Registro Completado"
"id": "Register",
"message": "Register",
"translation": "Registro"
"id": "Email Address",
"message": "Email Address",
"translation": "Dirección de Correo Electrónico"
"id": "Confirm Password",
"message": "Confirm Password",
"translation": "Confirmar Contraseña"
"id": "Already have an account? Click here to login",
"message": "Already have an account? Click here to login",
"translation": "¿Ya tienes una cuenta? Click aquí para ingresar"
"id": "Welcome to Links",
"message": "Welcome to Links",
"translation": "Bienvenido a Links"
"id": "Set up your account, so you can save links.",
"message": "Set up your account, so you can save links.",
"translation": "Configura tu cuenta para poder guardar enlaces"
"id": "Registration is not enabled on this system. Contact the admin for an account.",
"message": "Registration is not enabled on this system. Contact the admin for an account.",
"translation": "El registro no está habilitado en el sistema. Por favor contacte al administrador para una cuenta"
"id": "We sent you a confirmation email. Please click the link in that email to confirm your account.",
"message": "We sent you a confirmation email. Please click the link in that email to confirm your account.",
"translation": "Te enviamos un email de confirmación. Por favor da click en el link en ese correo para confirmar tu cuenta"
"id": "You have successfully registered your account. You can now login.",
"message": "You have successfully registered your account. You can now login.",
"translation": "Te has registrado con éxito. Ahora puedes iniciar sesión"
"id": "Change Password",
"message": "Change Password",
"translation": "Cambiar Contraseña"
"id": "Current Password",
"message": "Current Password",
"translation": "Contraseña Actual"
"id": "New Password",
"message": "New Password",
"translation": "Nueva Contraseña"
"id": "Confirm New Password",
"message": "Confirm New Password",
"translation": "Confirmar Nueva Contraseña"
"id": "Enter New Password",
"message": "Enter New Password",
"translation": "Ingresar Nueva Contraseña"
"id": "Reset Password",
"message": "Reset Password",
"translation": "Restablecer Contraseña"
"id": "Password Changed",
"message": "Password Changed",
"translation": "Contraseña Cambiada"
"id": "You can now",
"message": "You can now",
"translation": "Ahora puedes"
"id": "return to the login page",
"message": "return to the login page",
"translation": "regresar a la página de inición de sesión"
"id": "and login",
"message": "and login",
"translation": "e iniciar sesión"
"id": "Links - Reset your password",
"message": "Links - Reset your password",
"translation": "Links - Restablecer tu contraseña"
"id": "Forgot Password?",
"message": "Forgot Password?",
"translation": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"
"id": "If the email address given exists in our system then we just sent it a login link. Click this link to reset your password. The link expires in 1 hour.",
"message": "If the email address given exists in our system then we just sent it a login link. Click this link to reset your password. The link expires in 1 hour.",
"translation": "Si el email ingresado ya existe en nuestro sistema, entonces te acabamos de enviar un enlace para ingresar. Por favor da click en enlace para restablecer tu contraseña. El enlace expirará en 1 hora"
"id": "Send Reset Link",
"message": "Send Reset Link",
"translation": "Enviar Link de Restablecimiento"
"id": "Someone, possibly you, requested to reset your Links password.",
"message": "Someone, possibly you, requested to reset your Links password.",
"translation": "Alguien, posiblemente tu, solicitó restablecer la constraseña de Links"
"id": "To complete your password reset, just click the link below:",
"message": "To complete your password reset, just click the link below:",
"translation": "Para completar el restablecimiento de contraseña, has click en el siguiente enlace:"
"id": "This link will expire in 1 hour. If you didn't request this link you can safely delete this email now.",
"message": "This link will expire in 1 hour. If you didn't request this link you can safely delete this email now.",
"translation": "Este enlace expirará en 1 hora. Si no has solicitado este enlace, puedes borrar sin problema este correo"
"id": "Update Email",
"message": "Update Email",
"translation": "Actualizar Email"
"id": "You've been sent a confirmation email. Please click the link in the email to confirm your email change. The confirmation email will expire in 2 hours.",
"message": "You've been sent a confirmation email. Please click the link in the email to confirm your email change. The confirmation email will expire in 2 hours.",
"translation": "Se te ha enviado un correo de confirmación. Por favor de click en enlace en el correo para confirmar su cambio de email. La confirmación expirará en 2 horas"
"id": "Someone, possibly you, requested to reset your Links email address. To complete this update, just click the link below:",
"message": "Someone, possibly you, requested to reset your Links email address. To complete this update, just click the link below:",
"translation": "Alguien, posiblemente usted, pidió restablecer su dirección de correo electrónico. Para completar esta actualización de click el siguiente enlace"
"id": "This link will expire in 2 hour. If you didn't request this link you can safely delete this email now.",
"message": "This link will expire in 2 hour. If you didn't request this link you can safely delete this email now.",
"translation": "Los enlaces expirarán en 2 horas. Si usted no solícito este enlace puede ignorar sin problema este correo"
"id": "Change Email",
"message": "Change Email",
"translation": "Cambiar Email"
"id": "Login",
"message": "Login",
"translation": "Iniciar Sesión"
"id": "No accounts? Click here to create one",
"message": "No accounts? Click here to create one",
"translation": "¿Sin cuenta? Haga click aquí para crear una"
"id": "Login Email",
"message": "Login Email",
"translation": "Email de Inición de Sesión"
"id": "Someone, possibly you, requested this login via email link. To login to your account, just click the link below:",
"message": "Someone, possibly you, requested this login via email link. To login to your account, just click the link below:",
"translation": "Alguien, posiblemente usted, solicitó iniciar sesión por medio de un enlace de correo. Para iniciar sesión en su cuenta, solo haga click en el siguiente enlace"
"id": "Password changed successfully",
"message": "Password changed successfully",
"translation": "Contraseña actualizada con éxito"
"id": "Email updated successfully",
"message": "Email updated successfully",
"translation": "Email actualizado con éxito"
"id": "You've been logged out successfully.",
"message": "You've been logged out successfully.",
"translation": "Has iniciado sesión con éxito"
"id": "You've successfully updated your password.",
"message": "You've successfully updated your password.",
"translation": "Contraseña actualizada con éxito."
"id": "You've successfully updated your email address.",
"message": "You've successfully updated your email address.",
"translation": "Correo electrónico actualizado con éxito."
"id": "You've successfully confirmed your email address.",
"message": "You've successfully confirmed your email address.",
"translation": "Tu correo electrónico ha sido confirmado con éxito."
"id": "You must verify your email address before logging in",
"message": "You must verify your email address before logging in",
"translation": "Tienes que verificar tu correo electrónico antes de iniciar sesión"
"id": "This account is currently unable to access the system.",
"message": "This account is currently unable to access the system.",
"translation": "Esta cuenta es actualmente inhabilitada para acceder al sistema"
"id": "Successful login.",
"message": "Successful login.",
"translation": "Sesión iniciada con éxito"
"id": "LinkTaco - Confirm account email",
"message": "LinkTaco - Confirm account email",
"translation": "LinkTaco - Confirmar correo de la cuenta"
"id": "Please confirm your account",
"message": "Please confirm your account",
"translation": "Por favor confirma tu cuenta"
"id": "To confirm your email address and complete your Links registration, please click the link below.",
"message": "To confirm your email address and complete your Links registration, please click the link below.",
"translation": "Para confirmar tu correo electrónico y completar tu registro en Links, por favor da click en el siguiente enlace:"
"id": "Confirm",
"message": "Confirm",
"translation": "Confirmar"
"id": "If you didn't request this link you can safely delete this email now.",
"message": "If you didn't request this link you can safely delete this email now.",
"translation": "Si no has solicitado este enlace puedes borrar sin problema este email"
"id": "Confirm your email address",
"message": "Confirm your email address",
"translation": "Confirma tu correo electrónico"
"id": "We sent you a new confirmation email. Please click the link in that email to confirm your account.",
"message": "We sent you a new confirmation email. Please click the link in that email to confirm your account.",
"translation": "Te enviamos un nuevo email de confirmación. Por favor da click en el enlace incluído en el email para confirmar tu cuenta."
"id": "Analytics",
"message": "Analytics",
"translation": "Analíticas"
"id": "Engagements over time",
"message": "Engagements over time",
"translation": "Compromiso a través del tiempo"
"id": "Country",
"message": "Country",
"translation": "País"
"id": "City",
"message": "City",
"translation": "Ciudad"
"id": "Referrer",
"message": "Referrer",
"translation": "Referente"
"id": "Devices",
"message": "Devices",
"translation": "Dispositivos"
"id": "Apply",
"message": "Apply",
"translation": "Aplicar"
"id": "Weeks",
"message": "Weeks",
"translation": "Semanas"
"id": "Days",
"message": "Days",
"translation": "Días"
"id": "Only showing the last 60 days. Upgrade your organization to paid to view all historical data",
"message": "Only showing the last 60 days. Upgrade your organization to paid to view all historical data",
"translation": "Solo se muestran los últimos 60 días. Actualice el plan de su organización para ver todo el historial histórico"
"id": "Click here to upgrade",
"message": "Click here to upgrade",
"translation": "Click aquí para actualizar plan"
"id": "Only showing country data. Upgrade your organization to paid to view all stats",
"message": "Only showing country data. Upgrade your organization to paid to view all stats",
"translation": "Solo mostrando datos de país. Actualice el plan de su organización para ver todas la estadísticas"
"id": "Upgrade your organization to paid to view the detail stats",
"message": "Upgrade your organization to paid to view the detail stats",
"translation": "Actualice el plan de su actualización para ver los detalles de las estadísticas"
"id": "QR Scans",
"message": "QR Scans",
"translation": "Escaners de QR"
"id": "Links",
"message": "Links",
"translation": "Links"
"id": "No Data",
"message": "No Data",
"translation": "Si Dato"
"id": "Name is required",
"message": "Name is required",
"translation": "Nombre es requerido"
"id": "Name may not exceed 150 characters",
"message": "Name may not exceed 150 characters",
"translation": "El nombre no debe exceder 150 caracteres"
"id": "Org username is required",
"message": "Org username is required",
"translation": "Nombre de organización es requerida"
"id": "Org username may not exceed 150 characters",
"message": "Org username may not exceed 150 characters",
"translation": "Nombre de organización no debe exceder 150 caracteres"
"id": "You are not allowed to create more free organizations. Please upgrade to a paid org",
"message": "You are not allowed to create more free organizations. Please upgrade to a paid org",
"translation": "No estás autorizado para crear más organizaciones gratuitas. Por favor actualice a una cuenta de pago"
"id": "This organization slug can not be used. Please chose another one",
"message": "This organization slug can not be used. Please chose another one",
"translation": "Este slug de organización no puede ser utilizado. Por favor elija otro."
"id": "This organization slug is already registered",
"message": "This organization slug is already registered",
"translation": "El slug de organziación ya está registrado"
"id": "CurrentSlug is required",
"message": "CurrentSlug is required",
"translation": "CurrentSlug es requerido"
"id": "Slug is required",
"message": "Slug is required",
"translation": "El slug es requerido"
"id": "Slug may not exceed 150 characters",
"message": "Slug may not exceed 150 characters",
"translation": "El slug no debe exceder los 150 caracteres"
"id": "Organization Not Found",
"message": "Organization Not Found",
"translation": "Organización No Encontrada"
"id": "This organization name is already registered",
"message": "This organization name is already registered",
"translation": "El nombre de esta organización ya está registrado"
"id": "This slug can not be used. Please chose another one",
"message": "This slug can not be used. Please chose another one",
"translation": "Este slug no puede usarse. Por favor escoja otro"
"id": "You are not allowed to enable/disabled user type organization",
"message": "You are not allowed to enable/disabled user type organization",
"translation": "No está permitido activar/desactivar tipo de usuario de organización"
"id": "You are not allowed to have more than two free organizations. Please upgrade",
"message": "You are not allowed to have more than two free organizations. Please upgrade",
"translation": "No está permitido tener más de dos organizaciones gratis. Por favor actualice su plan"
"id": "This organization has an active subscription. Please cancel it first",
"message": "This organization has an active subscription. Please cancel it first",
"translation": "Esta organización tiene una subscripción activa. Por facor cancelela primero"
"id": "Free organizations can not use Private permission. Please upgrade to use Private permission",
"message": "Free organizations can not use Private permission. Please upgrade to use Private permission",
"translation": "Las organizaciones gratuitas no pueden usar el permiso privado. Por favor, actualice para usar el permiso privado"
"id": "Invalid default permission value",
"message": "Invalid default permission value",
"translation": "Valor de permiso predeterminado inválido"
"id": "Invalid Visibility value.",
"message": "Invalid Visibility value.",
"translation": "Valor de Visibilidad inválido"
"id": "Invalid URL.",
"message": "Invalid URL.",
"translation": "URL inválida"
"id": "URL may not exceed 2048 characters",
"message": "URL may not exceed 2048 characters",
"translation": "La URL no puede exceder los 2048 caracteres."
"id": "Org slug is required.",
"message": "Org slug is required.",
"translation": "El slug de organización es requerida"
"id": "Title is required.",
"message": "Title is required.",
"translation": "El título es requerido"
"id": "Title may not exceed 150 characters",
"message": "Title may not exceed 150 characters",
"translation": "El título no debe exceler los 150 caracteres"
"id": "Tags may not exceed 10",
"message": "Tags may not exceed 10",
"translation": "Las etiquetas no deben exceder 10 caracteres"
"id": "Only members with write perm are allowed to perform this action",
"message": "Only members with write perm are allowed to perform this action",
"translation": "Solo miembros con permisio de escritura tiene autorización para esta acción"
"id": "Free organizations are not allowed to create private links. Please upgrade",
"message": "Free organizations are not allowed to create private links. Please upgrade",
"translation": "La creación de links privados no está permitido para organizaciones gratuitas. Por favor actualizar"
"id": "Link hash required",
"message": "Link hash required",
"translation": "Se requiere hash de enlace."
"id": "Element Not Found",
"message": "Element Not Found",
"translation": "Elemento No Encontrado"
"id": "You are not allowed to edit this field for notes",
"message": "You are not allowed to edit this field for notes",
"translation": "No está permitido editar este campo para notas"
"id": "Link Not Found",
"message": "Link Not Found",
"translation": "Link No Encontrado"
"id": "This user is not allowed to perform this action",
"message": "This user is not allowed to perform this action",
"translation": "Este usuario no está autorizado para realizar esta acción"
"id": "Description is required.",
"message": "Description is required.",
"translation": "Descripción requerida"
"id": "Free organizations are not allowed to create private notes. Please upgrade",
"message": "Free organizations are not allowed to create private notes. Please upgrade",
"translation": "Organizaciones con plan gratis no están autorizados para crear notas privadas. Por favor actualizar plan"
"id": "Error compiling url regex: {Err}",
"message": "Error compiling url regex: {Err}",
"translation": "Error compilaldo la expresión regular de url: {Err}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Err",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "error",
"underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "err"
"id": "Org slug is required",
"message": "Org slug is required",
"translation": "Slug de organización es requerido"
"id": "User email is required",
"message": "User email is required",
"translation": "El email de usuario es requerido"
"id": "Email may not exceed 255 characters",
"message": "Email may not exceed 255 characters",
"translation": "El correo no debe exceder los 255 caracteres"
"id": "Invalid email format",
"message": "Invalid email format",
"translation": "Formato de email inválido"
"id": "Invalid Permission",
"message": "Invalid Permission",
"translation": "Permiso Inválido"
"id": "This email domain is not allowed",
"message": "This email domain is not allowed",
"translation": "Este coreo no está disponible"
"id": "This function is only allowed for business users.",
"message": "This function is only allowed for business users.",
"translation": "Esta función solo está disponible para usuario con plan de negocio"
"id": "A new register invitation was sent to {Email}",
"message": "A new register invitation was sent to {Email}",
"translation": "Una nueva invitación de registro fue enviada a {Email}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Email",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "input.Email"
"id": "The User you try to invite is not verified",
"message": "The User you try to invite is not verified",
"translation": "El usuario que intetas invitar no está verificado"
"id": "A new member invitation was sent to {Email}",
"message": "A new member invitation was sent to {Email}",
"translation": "Una nueva invitación fue enviada a {Email}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Email",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "input.Email"
"id": "Link Taco: Invitation to join organization",
"message": "Link Taco: Invitation to join organization",
"translation": "Link Taco: Invitación a unirse a organización"
"id": "User not found for given email",
"message": "User not found for given email",
"translation": "Usuario no encontrado para el correo proporcionado"
"id": "The user for given email is not a member of given organization",
"message": "The user for given email is not a member of given organization",
"translation": "El usuario del correo proporcionado no es miembro de la organización indicada"
"id": "The member was removed successfully",
"message": "The member was removed successfully",
"translation": "El miembro fue eliminado con éxito"
"id": "Confirmation key is required.",
"message": "Confirmation key is required.",
"translation": "La clave de confirmación es requerida"
"id": "Confirmation Not Found",
"message": "Confirmation Not Found",
"translation": "Confirmación No Encontrada"
"id": "Invalid Confirmation Type",
"message": "Invalid Confirmation Type",
"translation": "Tipo de Confirmación Inválida"
"id": "Invalid Confirmation Target",
"message": "Invalid Confirmation Target",
"translation": "Confirmación de Objetivo Inválido"
"id": "Permission Not Found",
"message": "Permission Not Found",
"translation": "Permiso No Encontrado"
"id": "User Not Found",
"message": "User Not Found",
"translation": "Usuario No Encontrado"
"id": "The User is not verified",
"message": "The User is not verified",
"translation": "El Usuario no está verificado"
"id": "The user was added successfully",
"message": "The user was added successfully",
"translation": "Usuario agregado con éxito"
"id": "Email is required",
"message": "Email is required",
"translation": "Email es requerido"
"id": "Password is required",
"message": "Password is required",
"translation": "La contraseña es requerida"
"id": "Password may not exceed 100 characters",
"message": "Password may not exceed 100 characters",
"translation": "La contraseña no debe exceder los 100 caracteres"
"id": "Username is required",
"message": "Username is required",
"translation": "Username es requerido"
"id": "Username may not exceed 150 characters",
"message": "Username may not exceed 150 characters",
"translation": "El nombre de usuario no debe exceder los 150 caracteres"
"id": "Registration is not enabled",
"message": "Registration is not enabled",
"translation": "Registro de usarios no está activado"
"id": "Invalid Key",
"message": "Invalid Key",
"translation": "Llave inválida"
"id": "Invalid Email",
"message": "Invalid Email",
"translation": "Correo Inválido"
"id": "This email is already registered",
"message": "This email is already registered",
"translation": "Este correo no está registrado"
"id": "This username can not be used. Please chose another one",
"message": "This username can not be used. Please chose another one",
"translation": "Este usuario no puede usarse. Por favor escoja otro"
"id": "This username is already registered",
"message": "This username is already registered",
"translation": "Este nombre de usuario ya está registrado."
"id": "Key is required",
"message": "Key is required",
"translation": "Key es requerido"
"id": "Confirmation User Not Found",
"message": "Confirmation User Not Found",
"translation": "Confirmación de Usuario No Encontrado"
"id": "Timezone is required",
"message": "Timezone is required",
"translation": "Timezone es requerido"
"id": "Timezone is invalid",
"message": "Timezone is invalid",
"translation": "Timezone es requerido"
"id": "DefaultLang is required",
"message": "DefaultLang is required",
"translation": "DefaultLang es requerido"
"id": "Lang is invalid",
"message": "Lang is invalid",
"translation": "El idioma es inválido"
"id": "No personal organization found for this user",
"message": "No personal organization found for this user",
"translation": "No hay organización personal encontrado para este usuario"
"id": "Invalid domain name.",
"message": "Invalid domain name.",
"translation": "Nombre de dominio inválido"
"id": "Invalid service value.",
"message": "Invalid service value.",
"translation": "Valor de servicio inválido"
"id": "Name may not exceed 255 characters",
"message": "Name may not exceed 255 characters",
"translation": "El no nombre no debe exceder los 500 caracteres"
"id": "Name may not exceed 500 characters",
"message": "Name may not exceed 500 characters",
"translation": "El no nombre no debe exceder los 500 caracteres"
"id": "Invalid FQDN format",
"message": "Invalid FQDN format",
"translation": "Formato FQDN inválido"
"id": "Organizaiton Slug is required.",
"message": "Organizaiton Slug is required.",
"translation": "El slug de Organización es requerido"
"id": "Invalid permissions for Organization ID",
"message": "Invalid permissions for Organization ID",
"translation": "Permisso inválido para este ID de Organización"
"id": "This function is only allowed for paid users.",
"message": "This function is only allowed for paid users.",
"translation": "Esta función solo está permitida para usuarios de pago"
"id": "The domain is already registered in the system",
"message": "The domain is already registered in the system",
"translation": "El dominio ya está registrado en el sistema"
"id": "There is already a domain registered for given service",
"message": "There is already a domain registered for given service",
"translation": "Ya hay un dominio registrado para el servicio dado"
"id": "Error checking the DNS entry for domain. Please try again later",
"message": "Error checking the DNS entry for domain. Please try again later",
"translation": "Error al verificar el DNS para este dominio. Por favor pruebe de nuevo"
"id": "CNAME record for domain is incorrect",
"message": "CNAME record for domain is incorrect",
"translation": "El CNAME para el dominio es incorrecto"
"id": "Invalid domain ID.",
"message": "Invalid domain ID.",
"translation": "ID de dominio inválido"
"id": "invalid domain ID",
"message": "invalid domain ID",
"translation": "ID de dominio inválido."
"id": "Only superusers can delete system level domains",
"message": "Only superusers can delete system level domains",
"translation": "Solo los superusuarios pueden eliminar dominios a nivel de sistema"
"id": "Unable to delete. Domain has active short links or link listings",
"message": "Unable to delete. Domain has active short links or link listings",
"translation": "No se puede eliminar. El dominio tiene enlaces cortos o listados activos."
"id": "URL is required.",
"message": "URL is required.",
"translation": "URL es requerido"
"id": "DomainID is required",
"message": "DomainID is required",
"translation": "DomainID es requerido"
"id": "Short Code may not exceed 20 characters",
"message": "Short Code may not exceed 20 characters",
"translation": "El código corto no debe exceder 20 caracteres"
"id": "This shortCode can not be used. Please chose another one",
"message": "This shortCode can not be used. Please chose another one",
"translation": "Este código no puede ser usado. Por favor ecoja otra"
"id": "Org Not Found",
"message": "Org Not Found",
"translation": "Organización No Encontrada"
"id": "You have reached your monthly short link limit. Please upgrade to remove this limitation.",
"message": "You have reached your monthly short link limit. Please upgrade to remove this limitation.",
"translation": "Has alcanzado tu límite mensual de enlaces cortos. Por favor, actualiza tu plan para eliminar esta limitación."
"id": "short-service-domain is not configured",
"message": "short-service-domain is not configured",
"translation": "short-service-domain no está configurado"
"id": "Domain Not Found",
"message": "Domain Not Found",
"translation": "Dominio No Encontrado"
"id": "Duplicated short code",
"message": "Duplicated short code",
"translation": "El código está duplicado"
"id": "Id required",
"message": "Id required",
"translation": "Id es requerido"
"id": "Slug is required.",
"message": "Slug is required.",
"translation": "Slug es requerido"
"id": "Org Slug is required",
"message": "Org Slug is required",
"translation": "Slug de Organización es requerido"
"id": "Free accounts are only allowed 1 link listing.",
"message": "Free accounts are only allowed 1 link listing.",
"translation": "Las cuentas gratuitas solo permiten 1 lista de enlaces."
"id": "list-service-domain is not configured",
"message": "list-service-domain is not configured",
"translation": "list-service-domain no está configurado"
"id": "This Slug is already registered for this domain",
"message": "This Slug is already registered for this domain",
"translation": "Este Slug ya está registrado para este dominio"
"id": "There is already a default listing for this domain",
"message": "There is already a default listing for this domain",
"translation": "Ya hay una lista por defecto para este dominio"
"id": "ListingSlug is required.",
"message": "ListingSlug is required.",
"translation": "El Slug de Lista es requerido"
"id": "LinkOrder can't be lower than 0.",
"message": "LinkOrder can't be lower than 0.",
"translation": "Order de Link no puede ser menor a 0"
"id": "Listing Not Found",
"message": "Listing Not Found",
"translation": "Lista No Encontrada"
"id": "ID is required.",
"message": "ID is required.",
"translation": "ID es requerido"
"id": "Title is required",
"message": "Title is required",
"translation": "El Título es requerido"
"id": "ID can't be lower than 0.",
"message": "ID can't be lower than 0.",
"translation": "ID no puede ser menor a 0"
"id": "Listing Link Not Found",
"message": "Listing Link Not Found",
"translation": "Lista de Links No Encontrada"
"id": "Title is too long.",
"message": "Title is too long.",
"translation": "Título es muy largo"
"id": "Code is invalid.",
"message": "Code is invalid.",
"translation": "El código no es válido"
"id": "Element ID is invalid.",
"message": "Element ID is invalid.",
"translation": "Elemento ID no es válido"
"id": "List Not Found",
"message": "List Not Found",
"translation": "Lista No Encontrado"
"id": "You can't create more than 5 qr codes per lists.",
"message": "You can't create more than 5 qr codes per lists.",
"translation": "No puedes crear más de 5 códigos qr por lista"
"id": "Short Not Found",
"message": "Short Not Found",
"translation": "Link Corto No Encontrado"
"id": "You can't create more than 5 qr codes per shorts.",
"message": "You can't create more than 5 qr codes per shorts.",
"translation": "No puedes crear más de 5 código qr por dominio"
"id": "QR Code Not Found",
"message": "QR Code Not Found",
"translation": "Código QR No Encontrado"
"id": "User follows {OrgSlug}",
"message": "User follows {OrgSlug}",
"translation": "El usuario sigue a {OrgSlug}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "OrgSlug",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "orgSlug"
"id": "This user does not follow this org",
"message": "This user does not follow this org",
"translation": "Este usuario no sigue a esta organización"
"id": "User unfollows {OrgSlug}",
"message": "User unfollows {OrgSlug}",
"translation": "El usuario no sigue a {OrgSlug}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "OrgSlug",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "orgSlug"
"id": "Invalid orgType",
"message": "Invalid orgType",
"translation": "orgType Inválido"
"id": "Invalid level value.",
"message": "Invalid level value.",
"translation": "Valor de nivel inválido"
"id": "Invalid status value.",
"message": "Invalid status value.",
"translation": "Valor de estado inválido"
"id": "A valid Organizaiton Slug is required.",
"message": "A valid Organizaiton Slug is required.",
"translation": "Un Slug válido de Organización es requerido"
"id": "Organization Slug is required for user level domains",
"message": "Organization Slug is required for user level domains",
"translation": "Slug de Organización es requerida para dominios de nivel de usuario"
"id": "Invalid ID",
"message": "Invalid ID",
"translation": "ID inválido"
"id": "Domain in use. Can not change service.",
"message": "Domain in use. Can not change service.",
"translation": "El dominio está en uso. No se puede cambiar el servicio."
"id": "Name is required.",
"message": "Name is required.",
"translation": "Nombre es requerido"
"id": "Email is required.",
"message": "Email is required.",
"translation": "Email es requerido"
"id": "Register Invitation",
"message": "Register Invitation",
"translation": "Invitación de Registro"
"id": "Linktaco: Invitation to Register",
"message": "Linktaco: Invitation to Register",
"translation": "Linktaco: Invitación de Registro"
"id": "You have been invited by {Name} to join Link Taco",
"message": "You have been invited by {Name} to join Link Taco",
"translation": "Has sido invitado por {Name} para unirse a Link Taco",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Name",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "user.Name"
"id": "Please click the link below:",
"message": "Please click the link below:",
"translation": "Por favor de click en el siguiente link"
"id": "Not Found",
"message": "Not Found",
"translation": "No encontrado"
"id": "You can not send both after and before cursors",
"message": "You can not send both after and before cursors",
"translation": "No es posible enviar ambos cursores after y before"
"id": "Only members with read perm are allowed to perform this action",
"message": "Only members with read perm are allowed to perform this action",
"translation": "Solo los miembros con permiso de lectura pueden realizar esta acción"
"id": "Unable to find suitable organization",
"message": "Unable to find suitable organization",
"translation": "No fue posible una organización adecuada"
"id": "Only superusers can fetch system level domains",
"message": "Only superusers can fetch system level domains",
"translation": "Solo los superusuarios pueden obtener dominios de nivel de sistema"
"id": "Link Short Not Found",
"message": "Link Short Not Found",
"translation": "Link Corto No Encontrado"
"id": "Invalid code type",
"message": "Invalid code type",
"translation": "Tipo de código inválido"
"id": "Org slug is required for this kind of token",
"message": "Org slug is required for this kind of token",
"translation": "El slug de organización es requerido para este tipo de token"
"id": "Access Restricted",
"message": "Access Restricted",
"translation": "Acceso Restringido"
"id": "Access denied.",
"message": "Access denied.",
"translation": "Acceso denegado."
"id": "Organization not found.",
"message": "Organization not found.",
"translation": "Organización no encontrada."
"id": "Invalid listing ID provided",
"message": "Invalid listing ID provided",
"translation": "ID de listado inválido proporcionado."
"id": "Invalid listing for specified organization",
"message": "Invalid listing for specified organization",
"translation": "Listado inválido para la organización especificada."
"id": "GraphQL Playground",
"message": "GraphQL Playground",
"translation": "Zona de pruebas de GraphQL"
"id": "Submit Query",
"message": "Submit Query",
"translation": "Envíar Consulta"
"id": "Back Home",
"message": "Back Home",
"translation": "Regresar a Inicio"
"id": "Invalid origin source for importer.",
"message": "Invalid origin source for importer.",
"translation": "Fuente de origen inválida para el importador."
"id": "The file is required",
"message": "The file is required",
"translation": "El archivo es requerido"
"id": "The file submitted for this source should be html",
"message": "The file submitted for this source should be html",
"translation": "El archivo subido para esta fuente debería de ser html"
"id": "The file submitted for this source should be json",
"message": "The file submitted for this source should be json",
"translation": "El archivo subido para esta fuente debe de ser json"
"id": "Personal Access Tokens",
"message": "Personal Access Tokens",
"translation": "Tokens de Acceso Personal"
"id": "Comment",
"message": "Comment",
"translation": "Comentario"
"id": "Issued",
"message": "Issued",
"translation": "Creado"
"id": "Expired",
"message": "Expired",
"translation": "Expirado"
"id": "Revoke",
"message": "Revoke",
"translation": "Revocar"
"id": "You have not created any personal access tokens for your account.",
"message": "You have not created any personal access tokens for your account.",
"translation": "No has creado ningún token de acceso personal para tu cuenta"
"id": "Authorized Clients",
"message": "Authorized Clients",
"translation": "Clientes Autorizados"
"id": "Client Name",
"message": "Client Name",
"translation": "Nombre de Cliente"
"id": "Grants",
"message": "Grants",
"translation": "Permiso"
"id": "You have not granted any third party clients access to your account.",
"message": "You have not granted any third party clients access to your account.",
"translation": "No has autorizardo ningún client de tercero para acceder a tu cuenta."
"id": "Add Personal Access Token",
"message": "Add Personal Access Token",
"translation": "Agregar Token de Acceso Personal"
"id": "Note: Your access token \u003cstrong\u003ewill never be shown to you again.\u003c/strong\u003e Keep this secret. It will expire a year from now.",
"message": "Note: Your access token \u003cstrong\u003ewill never be shown to you again.\u003c/strong\u003e Keep this secret. It will expire a year from now.",
"translation": "Nota: Tu token de acceso \u003cstrong\u003enunca se te volverá a mostrar.\u003c/strong\u003e Guárdalo en secreto. Expirará dentro de un año."
"id": "Revoke Personal Access Token",
"message": "Revoke Personal Access Token",
"translation": "Revocar Token de Acceso Personal"
"id": "Do you want to revoke this personal access token? This can not be undone.",
"message": "Do you want to revoke this personal access token? This can not be undone.",
"translation": "¿Desea revokar este token de acceso persona? Esta acción no puede ser deshecha."
"id": "Yes, do it",
"message": "Yes, do it",
"translation": "Si, hazlo"
"id": "No, nevermind",
"message": "No, nevermind",
"translation": "No"
"id": "Successfully added personal access",
"message": "Successfully added personal access",
"translation": "Acceso personal agregada con éxito"
"id": "Successfully revoked authorization token.",
"message": "Successfully revoked authorization token.",
"translation": "Token de autorización revocado con éxito"
"id": "Clients",
"message": "Clients",
"translation": "Clientes"
"id": "Client ID",
"message": "Client ID",
"translation": "ID de Cliente"
"id": "Manage",
"message": "Manage",
"translation": "Manejar"
"id": "Add",
"message": "Add",
"translation": "Agregar"
"id": "No Clients",
"message": "No Clients",
"translation": "Sin Clientes"
"id": "Add OAuth2 Client",
"message": "Add OAuth2 Client",
"translation": "Agregar Cliente OAuth2"
"id": "Client Description",
"message": "Client Description",
"translation": "Descripción de Cliente"
"id": "Redirect URL",
"message": "Redirect URL",
"translation": "URL de redireccionamiento"
"id": "Client URL",
"message": "Client URL",
"translation": "URL de Cliente"
"id": "Client Secret",
"message": "Client Secret",
"translation": "Client Secreto"
"id": "Note: Your client secret will never be shown to you again.",
"message": "Note: Your client secret will never be shown to you again.",
"translation": "Nota: Tu cliente secreto nunca será mostrado de nuevo."
"id": "OAuth 2.0 client management",
"message": "OAuth 2.0 client management",
"translation": "Manejar clientes de OAuth 2.0"
"id": "Revoke tokens \u0026 client secret",
"message": "Revoke tokens \u0026 client secret",
"translation": "Revoca tokens de cliente secreto"
"id": "If OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens issued for your OAuth client, or your client secret, have been disclosed to a third-party, you must revoke all tokens and have replacements issued.",
"message": "If OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens issued for your OAuth client, or your client secret, have been disclosed to a third-party, you must revoke all tokens and have replacements issued.",
"translation": "Si los tokens de portador de OAuth 2.0 emitidos para tu cliente de OAuth o tu cliente secreto se han revelado a un tercero, debes revocar todos los tokens y solicitar que se emitan reemplazos."
"id": "Revoke client tokens",
"message": "Revoke client tokens",
"translation": "Revocar cliente de tokens"
"id": "Unregister this OAuth client",
"message": "Unregister this OAuth client",
"translation": "Desregistrar este client OAuth"
"id": "This will permanently unregister your OAuth 2.0 client",
"message": "This will permanently unregister your OAuth 2.0 client",
"translation": "Esto registrará de manera permanente tu client de OAuth 2.0"
"id": "revoke all tokens issued to it, and prohibit the issuance of new tokens.",
"message": "revoke all tokens issued to it, and prohibit the issuance of new tokens.",
"translation": "revoca todos los tokens emitidos, y prohíbie la emisión de nuevos tokens."
"id": "Unregister",
"message": "Unregister",
"translation": "Desregistrar"
"id": "Description",
"message": "Description",
"translation": "Descripción"
"id": "Informative URL",
"message": "Informative URL",
"translation": "URL informativa"
"id": "OAuth 2.0 client registered",
"message": "OAuth 2.0 client registered",
"translation": "Cliente de OAuth 2.0 registrado"
"id": "Successfully added client",
"message": "Successfully added client",
"translation": "Cliente agregado con éxito"
"id": "Successfully revoked client.",
"message": "Successfully revoked client.",
"translation": "Cliente revocado con éxito"
"id": "Successfully reissued client.",
"message": "Successfully reissued client.",
"translation": "Cliente recreado con éxito"
"id": "Authorize",
"message": "Authorize",
"translation": "Autorizar"
"id": "would like to access to your Link Taco account.",
"message": "would like to access to your Link Taco account.",
"translation": "gustaría acceder a tu cuenta de Link Taco"
"id": "is a third-party application operated by",
"message": "is a third-party application operated by",
"translation": "es una applicación de terceros operada por"
"id": "You may revoke this access at any time on the OAuth tab of your account profile.",
"message": "You may revoke this access at any time on the OAuth tab of your account profile.",
"translation": "Podrás revocar este acceso en cualquier momento en la tab OAtuh de tu perfíl."
"id": "Scopes",
"message": "Scopes",
"translation": "Alcance"
"id": "Approve",
"message": "Approve",
"translation": "Aprobar"
"id": "Reject",
"message": "Reject",
"translation": "Rechazar"
"id": "LinkTaco - Your bookmark import is complete",
"message": "LinkTaco - Your bookmark import is complete",
"translation": "LinkTaco - La importación de tus marcadores está completa."
"id": "Hi there,",
"message": "Hi there,",
"translation": "Hola,"
"id": "Just wanted to let you know that your bookmark import has completed successfully!",
"message": "Just wanted to let you know that your bookmark import has completed successfully!",
"translation": "Solo queríamos informarte que la importación de tus marcadores se ha completado con éxito."
"id": "- LinkTaco Team",
"message": "- LinkTaco Team",
"translation": "- Equipo de LinkTaco"
"id": "Inactive Domain",
"message": "Inactive Domain",
"translation": "Dominio Inactivo"
"id": "The {D} domain is currently inactive",
"message": "The {D} domain is currently inactive",
"translation": "El dominio {D} está actualmente desactivado",
"placeholders": [
"id": "D",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "d"
"id": "Please upgrade your account to reactivate it",
"message": "Please upgrade your account to reactivate it",
"translation": "Por favor actualice la subscripción de su cuenta para reactivarla"
"id": "Pricing",
"message": "Pricing",
"translation": "Precios"
"id": "Every account can create unlimited organizations. Each organization has it's own bookmarks, listings, analytics, etc. All of the features below belong to each organization with their own unique URL's, groupings, and so on.",
"message": "Every account can create unlimited organizations. Each organization has it's own bookmarks, listings, analytics, etc. All of the features below belong to each organization with their own unique URL's, groupings, and so on.",
"translation": "Cada cuenta puede crear organizaciones ilimitadas. Cada organización tiene sus propios marcadores, listados, análisis, etc. Todas las características a continuación pertenecen a cada organización con sus propias URL únicas, agrupaciones, y más."
"id": "Feature",
"message": "Feature",
"translation": "Funcionalidad"
"id": "Free",
"message": "Free",
"translation": "Gratis"
"id": "Personal",
"message": "Personal",
"translation": "Personal"
"id": "Business",
"message": "Business",
"translation": "Negocio"
"id": "Price",
"message": "Price",
"translation": "Precio"
"id": "per year",
"message": "per year",
"translation": "por año"
"id": "per month",
"message": "per month",
"translation": "por mes"
"id": "months",
"message": "months",
"translation": "meses"
"id": "Unlimited",
"message": "Unlimited",
"translation": "Ilimitado"
"id": "Public only",
"message": "Public only",
"translation": "Solo público"
"id": "Try It FREE",
"message": "Try It FREE",
"translation": "Pruébalo GRATIS"
"id": "Bookmarks",
"message": "Bookmarks",
"translation": "Marcadores"
"id": "Save public/private links",
"message": "Save public/private links",
"translation": "Guardar enlaces públicos/privados"
"id": "Save public/private notes",
"message": "Save public/private notes",
"translation": "Guardar notas públicas/privadas"
"id": "Follow other organizations (social)",
"message": "Follow other organizations (social)",
"translation": "Seguir otras organizaciones (social)"
"id": "Organize by tags",
"message": "Organize by tags",
"translation": "Organizar por etiquetas"
"id": "Advanced filtering/search",
"message": "Advanced filtering/search",
"translation": "Filtrado/ búsqueda avanzada"
"id": "Full RSS feeds",
"message": "Full RSS feeds",
"translation": "Fuentes RSS completas"
"id": "Custom domain + SSL",
"message": "Custom domain + SSL",
"translation": "Dominio personalizado + SSL"
"id": "Link Listings",
"message": "Link Listings",
"translation": "Listados de enlaces"
"id": "Create link listings (ie, social media bios, etc.)",
"message": "Create link listings (ie, social media bios, etc.)",
"translation": "Crear listados de enlaces (por ejemplo, biografías en redes sociales, etc.)"
"id": "Organize listings by tag",
"message": "Organize listings by tag",
"translation": "Organizar listados por etiquetas"
"id": "Filter/Search listings",
"message": "Filter/Search listings",
"translation": "Filtrar/Buscar listados"
"id": "Unlimited QR codes per listing",
"message": "Unlimited QR codes per listing",
"translation": "Códigos QR ilimitados por listado"
"id": "Full Analytics",
"message": "Full Analytics",
"translation": "Análisis completo"
"id": "Listing",
"message": "Listing",
"translation": "Listado"
"id": "Link Shortening",
"message": "Link Shortening",
"translation": "Acortamiento de enlaces"
"id": "Unlimited short links",
"message": "Unlimited short links",
"translation": "Enlaces cortos ilimitados"
"id": "Organize shorts by tags",
"message": "Organize shorts by tags",
"translation": "Organizar enlaces cortos por etiquetas"
"id": "Filter/Search shorts",
"message": "Filter/Search shorts",
"translation": "Filtrar/Buscar enlaces cortos"
"id": "Unlimited QR codes per short",
"message": "Unlimited QR codes per short",
"translation": "Códigos QR ilimitados por enlace corto"
"id": "Full analytics history",
"message": "Full analytics history",
"translation": "Historial completo de análisis"
"id": "QR Code specific analytics",
"message": "QR Code specific analytics",
"translation": "Análisis específicos de códigos QR"
"id": "Click analytics",
"message": "Click analytics",
"translation": "Análisis de clics"
"id": "Referer analyitcs",
"message": "Referer analyitcs",
"translation": "Análisis de referidos"
"id": "Country analytics",
"message": "Country analytics",
"translation": "Análisis por país"
"id": "City analytics",
"message": "City analytics",
"translation": "Análisis por ciudad"
"id": "Device analytics",
"message": "Device analytics",
"translation": "Análisis de dispositivos"
"id": "Collaboration / Integrations",
"message": "Collaboration / Integrations",
"translation": "Colaboración / Integraciones"
"id": "Add unlimited members to organization",
"message": "Add unlimited members to organization",
"translation": "Agregar miembros ilimitados a la organización"
"id": "Slack Integration",
"message": "Slack Integration",
"translation": "Integración con Slack"
"id": "MatterMost Integration",
"message": "MatterMost Integration",
"translation": "Integración con MatterMost"
"id": "Build Your Own Integration",
"message": "Build Your Own Integration",
"translation": "Construye tu propia integración"
"id": "Import / Export",
"message": "Import / Export",
"translation": "Importar / Exportar"
"id": "Import from Pinboard",
"message": "Import from Pinboard",
"translation": "Importar desde Pinboard"
"id": "Import from Firefox",
"message": "Import from Firefox",
"translation": "Importar desde Firefox"
"id": "Import from Chrome",
"message": "Import from Chrome",
"translation": "Importar desde Chrome"
"id": "Import from Safari",
"message": "Import from Safari",
"translation": "Importar desde Safari"
"id": "Export in JSON or HTML",
"message": "Export in JSON or HTML",
"translation": "Exportar en JSON o HTML"
"id": "API Powered",
"message": "API Powered",
"translation": "Impulsado por API"
"id": "Full GraphQL API Access",
"message": "Full GraphQL API Access",
"translation": "Acceso completo a la API GraphQL"
"id": "OAuth2 Support",
"message": "OAuth2 Support",
"translation": "Soporte OAuth2"
"id": "Self Hosting",
"message": "Self Hosting",
"translation": "Alojamiento propio"
"id": "Fully open source",
"message": "Fully open source",
"translation": "Totalmente de código abierto"
"id": "Host your own version of Link Taco",
"message": "Host your own version of Link Taco",
"translation": "Hospeda tu propia versión de Link Taco"
"id": "Documentation",
"message": "Documentation",
"translation": "Documentación"
"id": "Pricing and feature details for LinkTaco.com",
"message": "Pricing and feature details for LinkTaco.com",
"translation": "Detalles de precios y características para LinkTaco.com"
"id": "pricing, links, linktaco, feature, plans, pricing plans",
"message": "pricing, links, linktaco, feature, plans, pricing plans",
"translation": "precios, enlaces, linktaco, características, planes, planes de precios"
"id": "Welcome to LinkTaco!",
"message": "Welcome to LinkTaco!",
"translation": "¡Bienvenido a LinkTaco!"
"id": "Here you can mix all your link saving and sharing needs in one tight little bundle. Much like a taco. A link taco if you will.",
"message": "Here you can mix all your link saving and sharing needs in one tight little bundle. Much like a taco. A link taco if you will.",
"translation": "Aquí puedes combinar todas tus necesidades de guardar y compartir enlaces en un solo paquete compacto. Como un taco. Un taco de enlaces, por así decirlo."
"id": "LinkTaco is an open source platform where you can host all of your links. Custom domains, QR codes, Analytics, full API, multiple organizations w/unlimited members are just some of what's included.",
"message": "LinkTaco is an open source platform where you can host all of your links. Custom domains, QR codes, Analytics, full API, multiple organizations w/unlimited members are just some of what's included.",
"translation": "LinkTaco es una plataforma de código abierto donde puedes alojar todos tus enlaces. Dominios personalizados, códigos QR, análisis, API completa, múltiples organizaciones con miembros ilimitados son solo algunas de las características incluidas."
"id": "Social bookmarking is not new, it's just been forgotten. Link shortening with analytics has been around forever. Link listings became cool once social media started allowing us to post a link to our websites in our profiles.",
"message": "Social bookmarking is not new, it's just been forgotten. Link shortening with analytics has been around forever. Link listings became cool once social media started allowing us to post a link to our websites in our profiles.",
"translation": "Los marcadores sociales no son nuevos, solo se han olvidado. El acortamiento de enlaces con análisis ha existido siempre. Los listados de enlaces se volvieron populares cuando las redes sociales comenzaron a permitirnos publicar un enlace a nuestros sitios web en nuestros perfiles."
"id": "Up until now, all of these things were hosted on different services.",
"message": "Up until now, all of these things were hosted on different services.",
"translation": "Hasta ahora, todas estas cosas se alojaban en diferentes servicios."
"id": "Social bookmarking: Pinboard (Delicious)",
"message": "Social bookmarking: Pinboard (Delicious)",
"translation": "Marcadores sociales: Pinboard (Delicious)"
"id": "Link shortening: Bitly et al",
"message": "Link shortening: Bitly et al",
"translation": "Acortamiento de enlaces: Bitly y otros"
"id": "Link listings: Linktree et al",
"message": "Link listings: Linktree et al",
"translation": "Listados de enlaces: Linktree y otros"
"id": "Peace Pinboard. Bye Bitly. Later Linktree. Hello LinkTaco!",
"message": "Peace Pinboard. Bye Bitly. Later Linktree. Hello LinkTaco!",
"translation": "Adiós Pinboard. Adiós Bitly. Adiós Linktree. ¡Hola LinkTaco!"
"id": "Since we're a",
"message": "Since we're a",
"translation": "Como somos un"
"id": "100% open source project",
"message": "100% open source project",
"translation": "proyecto 100% de código abierto"
"id": "you can host your own instance if you'd like full control over your own platform.",
"message": "you can host your own instance if you'd like full control over your own platform.",
"translation": "puedes alojar tu propia instancia si deseas tener control total sobre tu propia plataforma."
"id": "See the installation documentation for more.",
"message": "See the installation documentation for more.",
"translation": "Consulta la documentación de instalación para más información."
"id": "Ready to get started? It's free to make an account and use it forever (with some limitations). To use all features you have to pay just a few bucks a year, or a few per month if you're a business, and that's it. Simple!",
"message": "Ready to get started? It's free to make an account and use it forever (with some limitations). To use all features you have to pay just a few bucks a year, or a few per month if you're a business, and that's it. Simple!",
"translation": "¿Listo para comenzar? Es gratis crear una cuenta y usarla para siempre (con algunas limitaciones). Para usar todas las funciones, solo tienes que pagar unos pocos dólares al año, o unos pocos al mes si eres una empresa, y eso es todo. ¡Simple!"
"id": "Explore Features",
"message": "Explore Features",
"translation": "Explorar funcciones"
"id": "Organize Bookmarks",
"message": "Organize Bookmarks",
"translation": "Organizar marcadores"
"id": "Link Lists",
"message": "Link Lists",
"translation": "Lista de Links"
"id": "Collaboration",
"message": "Collaboration",
"translation": "Colaboración"
"id": "Integrations",
"message": "Integrations",
"translation": "Integraciones"
"id": "Import Export",
"message": "Import Export",
"translation": "Importar Exportar"
"id": "Unlimited link listings (for social media bios, etc.)",
"message": "Unlimited link listings (for social media bios, etc.)",
"translation": "Listados de enlaces ilimitados (para biografías en redes sociales, etc.)"
"id": "Members can add/edit/remove links (if allowed)",
"message": "Members can add/edit/remove links (if allowed)",
"translation": "Los miembros pueden agregar/editar/eliminar enlaces (si se permite)"
"id": "Members have access based on permissions granted",
"message": "Members have access based on permissions granted",
"translation": "Los miembros tienen acceso según los permisos otorgados"
"id": "Browser bookmark widget",
"message": "Browser bookmark widget",
"translation": "Widget de marcadores del navegador"
"id": "Domain List",
"message": "Domain List",
"translation": "Lista de Dominio"
"id": "Delete",
"message": "Delete",
"translation": "Eliminar"
"id": "Lookup Name",
"message": "Lookup Name",
"translation": "Búsqueda de Nombre"
"id": "Service",
"message": "Service",
"translation": "Servicio"
"id": "for",
"message": "for",
"translation": "para"
"id": "Link Shortner",
"message": "Link Shortner",
"translation": "Link Cortos"
"id": "Link Listing",
"message": "Link Listing",
"translation": "Lista de Links"
"id": "No Domains",
"message": "No Domains",
"translation": "Sin Dominios"
"id": "Create Domain",
"message": "Create Domain",
"translation": "Crear Dominio"
"id": "Migrate Short Links",
"message": "Migrate Short Links",
"translation": "Migrar Links Cortos"
"id": "Old links won't work. All code will be moved to the new domain.",
"message": "Old links won't work. All code will be moved to the new domain.",
"translation": "Los links viejos no funcionanrán. Todos los códigos serán movidos al nuevo dominio."
"id": "Domain created successfully",
"message": "Domain created successfully",
"translation": "Dominio creado con éxito"
"id": "Delete Domain",
"message": "Delete Domain",
"translation": "Eliminar Dominio"
"id": "{Message}",
"message": "{Message}",
"translation": "{Message}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Message",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "result.DeleteDomain.Message"
"id": "Domain successfully deleted",
"message": "Domain successfully deleted",
"translation": "Dominio elminado con éxito"
"id": "Yes",
"message": "Yes",
"translation": "Si"
"id": "Do you really whant to delete this domain",
"message": "Do you really whant to delete this domain",
"translation": "Desea eliminar este dominio"
"id": "Your Organizations",
"message": "Your Organizations",
"translation": "Tus Organizaciones"
"id": "Open Source",
"message": "Open Source",
"translation": "Código Abierto"
"id": "Sponsored",
"message": "Sponsored",
"translation": "Patrocinado"
"id": "Paid",
"message": "Paid",
"translation": "Pagado"
"id": "Enabled",
"message": "Enabled",
"translation": "Activado"
"id": "Disabled",
"message": "Disabled",
"translation": "Desactivado"
"id": "Manage Subscription",
"message": "Manage Subscription",
"translation": "Manejar Subscripción"
"id": "Domains",
"message": "Domains",
"translation": "Dominios"
"id": "Manage Members",
"message": "Manage Members",
"translation": "Manejar Miembros"
"id": "Export",
"message": "Export",
"translation": "Exportar"
"id": "Import",
"message": "Import",
"translation": "Importar"
"id": "Payment History",
"message": "Payment History",
"translation": "Historial de Pagos"
"id": "Create Organization",
"message": "Create Organization",
"translation": "Crear Organización"
"id": "Org Username",
"message": "Org Username",
"translation": "Nombre de usuario de Organización"
"id": "Default Bookmark Visibility",
"message": "Default Bookmark Visibility",
"translation": "Visibilidad predeterminada de marcadores"
"id": "Sorry, you have exceeded the amount of free accounts available. Please update your current free account to create one more",
"message": "Sorry, you have exceeded the amount of free accounts available. Please update your current free account to create one more",
"translation": "Lo sentimos, has alcanzado el número de cuentas gratuitas disponibles. Por favor actualice su cuenta gratuita para crear más"
"id": "Public",
"message": "Public",
"translation": "Público"
"id": "Private",
"message": "Private",
"translation": "Privado"
"id": "Organization created successfully",
"message": "Organization created successfully",
"translation": "Organización creada con éxito"
"id": "Update Organization",
"message": "Update Organization",
"translation": "Actualizar Organización"
"id": "Is Enabled",
"message": "Is Enabled",
"translation": "Está habilitado"
"id": "Organization updated successfully",
"message": "Organization updated successfully",
"translation": "Organización actualizada con éxito"
"id": "Add Member",
"message": "Add Member",
"translation": "Agregar Miembro"
"id": "Permission",
"message": "Permission",
"translation": "Permiso"
"id": "Please upgrade to a Business organization to add members",
"message": "Please upgrade to a Business organization to add members",
"translation": "Por favor actualice a cuenta de negocio para agregar miembros"
"id": "Read",
"message": "Read",
"translation": "Leer"
"id": "Write",
"message": "Write",
"translation": "Escribir"
"id": "Admin Write",
"message": "Admin Write",
"translation": "Escritura de administrador"
"id": "An invitation was sent to this user",
"message": "An invitation was sent to this user",
"translation": "Una invitación fue enviada a este usuario"
"id": "Something went wrong, impossible to send invitation",
"message": "Something went wrong, impossible to send invitation",
"translation": "Algo salió mal, imposible enviar invitación"
"id": "Delete Org Member",
"message": "Delete Org Member",
"translation": "Eliminar miembro de la organización"
"id": "Something went wrong. This member could not be deleted: {Message}",
"message": "Something went wrong. This member could not be deleted: {Message}",
"translation": "Algo salió mal. No se pudo eliminar a este miembro: {Message}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Message",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "result.DeleteMember.Message"
"id": "Member successfully deleted",
"message": "Member successfully deleted",
"translation": "Miembro eliminado con éxito"
"id": "Delete member {Name} ({Email}) from Organization {Slug}?",
"message": "Delete member {Name} ({Email}) from Organization {Slug}?",
"translation": "¿Eliminar al miembro {Name} ({Email}) de la Organización {Slug}?",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Name",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "ouser.Name"
"id": "Email",
"string": "%[2]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 2,
"expr": "ouser.Email"
"id": "Slug",
"string": "%[3]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 3,
"expr": "slug"
"id": "Member added succesxfully",
"message": "Member added succesxfully",
"translation": "Miembro agregado con éxito"
"id": "Something went wrong. Impossible to get the member data",
"message": "Something went wrong. Impossible to get the member data",
"translation": "Algo salió mal. Imposible obtener los datos de miembros"
"id": "Member List",
"message": "Member List",
"translation": "Lista de Miembros"
"id": "No members",
"message": "No members",
"translation": "Sin miembros"
"id": "Create Link",
"message": "Create Link",
"translation": "Crear Enlace"
"id": "Title",
"message": "Title",
"translation": "Título"
"id": "Visibility",
"message": "Visibility",
"translation": "Visibilidad"
"id": "Organization",
"message": "Organization",
"translation": "Organización"
"id": "Unread",
"message": "Unread",
"translation": "Sin leer"
"id": "Starred",
"message": "Starred",
"translation": "Destacado"
"id": "Tags",
"message": "Tags",
"translation": "Etiquetas"
"id": "Use commas to separate your tags. Example: tag 1, tag 2, tag 3",
"message": "Use commas to separate your tags. Example: tag 1, tag 2, tag 3",
"translation": "Usa comas para separar las etiquetas. Ejemplo: etiqueta 1, etiqueta 2, etiqueta 3"
"id": "Archive URL",
"message": "Archive URL",
"translation": "URL de archivo"
"id": "A link was successfully created.",
"message": "A link was successfully created.",
"translation": "Un link fue creado con éxito"
"id": "Error fetching referenced url: Not found",
"message": "Error fetching referenced url: Not found",
"translation": "Error consultando url refererida: No encontrada"
"id": "Error fetching referenced link: {Message}",
"message": "Error fetching referenced link: {Message}",
"translation": "Error consultando link referido: {Message}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Message",
"string": "%[1]v",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "graphError.Message"
"id": "bookmark",
"message": "bookmark",
"translation": "marcador"
"id": "Popular Bookmarks",
"message": "Popular Bookmarks",
"translation": "Marcadores Populares"
"id": "This ain't a popularity contest or anything but this is weird that there are no links!",
"message": "This ain't a popularity contest or anything but this is weird that there are no links!",
"translation": "Esto no es un concurso de popularidad o algo parecido, pero es raro que no hayan links!"
"id": "Most popular links on LinkTaco.com",
"message": "Most popular links on LinkTaco.com",
"translation": "Enlaces más populares en LinkTaco.com"
"id": "popular, links, linktaco, feature, plans, pricing plans",
"message": "popular, links, linktaco, feature, plans, pricing plans",
"translation": "populares, enlaces, linktaco, características, planes, planes de precios"
"id": "Popular Links",
"message": "Popular Links",
"translation": "Links Populares"
"id": "Following",
"message": "Following",
"translation": "Siguiendo"
"id": "Unfollow",
"message": "Unfollow",
"translation": "Dejar de seguir"
"id": "No organizations",
"message": "No organizations",
"translation": "Sin organizaciones"
"id": "Feed",
"message": "Feed",
"translation": "Feed"
"id": "Next",
"message": "Next",
"translation": "Siguiente"
"id": "Prev",
"message": "Prev",
"translation": "Anterior"
"id": "By",
"message": "By",
"translation": "Por"
"id": "Search",
"message": "Search",
"translation": "Buscar"
"id": "Your feed is empty :( Go follow some people. Try the Popular or Recent feeds to find some interesting people to follow.",
"message": "Your feed is empty :( Go follow some people. Try the Popular or Recent feeds to find some interesting people to follow.",
"translation": "Tu feed está vacío :( Sigue a algunas personas. Prueba los feeds Populares o Recientes para encontrar gente interesante a seguir."
"id": "Advanced Search",
"message": "Advanced Search",
"translation": "Búsqueda Avanzada"
"id": "Include Tags",
"message": "Include Tags",
"translation": "Incluir Tags"
"id": "Exclude Tags",
"message": "Exclude Tags",
"translation": "Excluir Tags"
"id": "Clear",
"message": "Clear",
"translation": "Limpiar"
"id": "Followings",
"message": "Followings",
"translation": "Siguiendo"
"id": "saved",
"message": "saved",
"translation": "guardado"
"id": "Recent Bookmarks",
"message": "Recent Bookmarks",
"translation": "Marcadores Recientes"
"id": "All",
"message": "All",
"translation": "Todos"
"id": "Untagged",
"message": "Untagged",
"translation": "Sin etiquetar"
"id": "Mark as read",
"message": "Mark as read",
"translation": "Marcar como leído"
"id": "Mark as unread",
"message": "Mark as unread",
"translation": "Marcar como no leído"
"id": "Star",
"message": "Star",
"translation": "Destacar"
"id": "Unstar",
"message": "Unstar",
"translation": "No destacar"
"id": "This feed has no links. Booo!",
"message": "This feed has no links. Booo!",
"translation": "Este feed no tiene enlaces. ¡Buuu!"
"id": "Archive",
"message": "Archive",
"translation": "Archivar"
"id": "Follow",
"message": "Follow",
"translation": "Seguir"
"id": "Recent public links added to {Name} on LinkTaco.com",
"message": "Recent public links added to {Name} on LinkTaco.com",
"translation": "Enlaces públicos recientes añadidos a {Name} en LinkTaco.com",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Name",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "org.Name"
"id": "Recent public links added to LinkTaco.com",
"message": "Recent public links added to LinkTaco.com",
"translation": "Enlaces públicos recientes añadidos a LinkTaco.com"
"id": "recent, public, links, linktaco",
"message": "recent, public, links, linktaco",
"translation": "recientes, públicos, enlaces, linktaco"
"id": "Recent Links",
"message": "Recent Links",
"translation": "Links Recientes"
"id": "{Title} Links",
"message": "{Title} Links",
"translation": "{Title} Enlaces",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Title",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "Title"
"id": "You have {RestrictedCount} restricted link(s) saved.",
"message": "You have {RestrictedCount} restricted link(s) saved.",
"translation": "Tienes {RestrictedCount} enlaces restrigidos guardados.",
"placeholders": [
"id": "RestrictedCount",
"string": "%[1]d",
"type": "int",
"underlyingType": "int",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "result.OrgLinks.RestrictedCount"
"id": "Upgrade the organization to activate them.",
"message": "Upgrade the organization to activate them.",
"translation": "Actualiza la organización para activarlos."
"id": "Link Detail",
"message": "Link Detail",
"translation": "Detalle de Enlace"
"id": "Public Post",
"message": "Public Post",
"translation": "Publicación Pública"
"id": "Private Post",
"message": "Private Post",
"translation": "Públicación Privada"
"id": "Bookmark '{Title}' on LinkTaco.com",
"message": "Bookmark '{Title}' on LinkTaco.com",
"translation": "Marcador '{Title}' en LinkTaco.com",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Title",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "link.Title"
"id": "bookmark, note, detail, popular, links, linktaco",
"message": "bookmark, note, detail, popular, links, linktaco",
"translation": "marcador, nota, detalle, popular, enlaces, linktaco"
"id": "Delete Bookmark",
"message": "Delete Bookmark",
"translation": "Borrar Marcador"
"id": "Something went wrong. This bookmark could not be deleted.",
"message": "Something went wrong. This bookmark could not be deleted.",
"translation": "Algo salió mal. No se pudo eliminar este marcador."
"id": "Bookmark successfully deleted",
"message": "Bookmark successfully deleted",
"translation": "Marcador eliminado con éxito"
"id": "Do you really whant to delete this bookmark?",
"message": "Do you really whant to delete this bookmark?",
"translation": "¿Realmente deseas eliminar este marcador?"
"id": "Update Link",
"message": "Update Link",
"translation": "Actualizar Enlace"
"id": "Do you want to delete",
"message": "Do you want to delete",
"translation": "Desea eliminar"
"id": "Link successfully updated.",
"message": "Link successfully updated.",
"translation": "Link actualizado con éxito"
"id": "QR Codes powered by Link Taco!",
"message": "QR Codes powered by Link Taco!",
"translation": "Código QR por Link Taco!"
"id": "You will be redirected in 10 seconds.",
"message": "You will be redirected in 10 seconds.",
"translation": "Serás redireccionado en 10 segundos."
"id": "QR Code Details",
"message": "QR Code Details",
"translation": "Detalles de Código QR"
"id": "Download Image",
"message": "Download Image",
"translation": "Bajar Imágen"
"id": "Delete QR Code",
"message": "Delete QR Code",
"translation": "Elimiar Código QR"
"id": "Something went wrong. The QR Code could not be deleted.",
"message": "Something went wrong. The QR Code could not be deleted.",
"translation": "Algo salió mal. El Código QE no pudo ser eliminado."
"id": "QR Code successfully deleted",
"message": "QR Code successfully deleted",
"translation": "Código QR elminado con éxito"
"id": "Do you really whant to delete this qr code",
"message": "Do you really whant to delete this qr code",
"translation": "Desea eliminar este código qr"
"id": "Export Data",
"message": "Export Data",
"translation": "Exportar Datos"
"id": "File format",
"message": "File format",
"translation": "Formato de archivo"
"id": "This feature is not allowed for free user. Please upgrade.",
"message": "This feature is not allowed for free user. Please upgrade.",
"translation": "Esta función no está habilitada para cuentas gratuitas. Por favor actualizar"
"id": "As system admin run this command in the channel you want to connect",
"message": "As system admin run this command in the channel you want to connect",
"translation": "Como administrador de sistema corrar el siguiente comando en el canal que desees conectar"
"id": "Disconnect",
"message": "Disconnect",
"translation": "Desconectar"
"id": "Connect",
"message": "Connect",
"translation": "Conectar"
"id": "Connected",
"message": "Connected",
"translation": "Conectado"
"id": "Import Data",
"message": "Import Data",
"translation": "Importar Datos"
"id": "Source",
"message": "Source",
"translation": "Fuente"
"id": "Click on Manage Bookmarks from the Bookmarks menu",
"message": "Click on Manage Bookmarks from the Bookmarks menu",
"translation": "Click en Manejar Marcadores desde el menú de Marcadores"
"id": "A new window called Library will open",
"message": "A new window called Library will open",
"translation": "Una nueva ventana llamada Biblioteca se abrirá"
"id": "In the left sidebar select the folder you want to export. To export all bookmarks select All Bookmarks",
"message": "In the left sidebar select the folder you want to export. To export all bookmarks select All Bookmarks",
"translation": "En la barra lateral izquierda seleccione la carpeta que desea exportar. Para exportar todos los marcadores selecciones Todos los Marcadores"
"id": "Click on the icon that has two arrows (up and down) and choose 'Export Bookmarks to HTML'",
"message": "Click on the icon that has two arrows (up and down) and choose 'Export Bookmarks to HTML'",
"translation": "Click en el ícono con dos flechas (arriba y abajo) y escoje 'Exportar Marcador a HTML'"
"id": "Go to the File menu and chose Export",
"message": "Go to the File menu and chose Export",
"translation": "En el menú de Archivo selecciones Exportar"
"id": "Select Export Bookmarks",
"message": "Select Export Bookmarks",
"translation": "Selecione Exportar Marcadores"
"id": "Go to the Bookmarks menu and choose Bookmark Manager",
"message": "Go to the Bookmarks menu and choose Bookmark Manager",
"translation": "Ve al menú de Marcadores y escoge Manejar Marcadores"
"id": "In the left sidebar select the folder that you want to export",
"message": "In the left sidebar select the folder that you want to export",
"translation": "En la barra latareral izquierda selecciones la carpeta que desea exportar"
"id": "In the top bookmark bar click on the three points at the top right",
"message": "In the top bookmark bar click on the three points at the top right",
"translation": "En la barra marcadores, de click en los tres puntos de la parte superior derecha"
"id": "Click on on Export Bookmarks",
"message": "Click on on Export Bookmarks",
"translation": "Click en Exportar Marcadores"
"id": "Go to https://pinboard.in/export/ and click on JSON",
"message": "Go to https://pinboard.in/export/ and click on JSON",
"translation": "Visita https://pinboard.in/export/ y da click en JSON"
"id": "Your importing into a free account / organization, any private pinboard bookmarks will be marked restricted.",
"message": "Your importing into a free account / organization, any private pinboard bookmarks will be marked restricted.",
"translation": "Al importar a una cuenta/organización gratuita, todos los marcadores privados del tablero se marcarán como restringidos."
"id": "Upgrade your account to support private bookmarks.",
"message": "Upgrade your account to support private bookmarks.",
"translation": "Actualice su cuenta para admitir marcadores privados."
"id": "Instructions",
"message": "Instructions",
"translation": "Instrucciones"
"id": "Safari Bookmarks",
"message": "Safari Bookmarks",
"translation": "Marcadores de Safari"
"id": "Chrome Bookmarks",
"message": "Chrome Bookmarks",
"translation": "Marcadores de Chrome"
"id": "Firefox Bookmarks",
"message": "Firefox Bookmarks",
"translation": "Marcadores de Firefox"
"id": "Your bookmark import is being processed. We will notify you once it's complete.",
"message": "Your bookmark import is being processed. We will notify you once it's complete.",
"translation": "Se está procesando la importación de tu marcador. Te notificaremos cuando se complete."
"id": "Update Note",
"message": "Update Note",
"translation": "Actualizar Nota"
"id": "Note",
"message": "Note",
"translation": "Nota"
"id": "Note '{Title}' on LinkTaco.com",
"message": "Note '{Title}' on LinkTaco.com",
"translation": "Nota '{Title}' en LinkTaco.com",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Title",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "link.Title"
"id": "note, detail, popular, links, linktaco",
"message": "note, detail, popular, links, linktaco",
"translation": "nota, detalle, popular, enlaces, linktaco"
"id": "Create Note",
"message": "Create Note",
"translation": "Crear Nota"
"id": "An note was successfully created.",
"message": "An note was successfully created.",
"translation": "Una nota fue creada con éxito"
"id": "Error fetching referenced note: {Message}",
"message": "Error fetching referenced note: {Message}",
"translation": "Error consultado nota referenciada: {Message}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Message",
"string": "%[1]v",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "graphError.Message"
"id": "Store Dashboard",
"message": "Store Dashboard",
"translation": "Tablero"
"id": "Tour",
"message": "Tour",
"translation": "Tour"
"id": "Recent",
"message": "Recent",
"translation": "Reciente"
"id": "Popular",
"message": "Popular",
"translation": "Popular"
"id": "Categories",
"message": "Categories",
"translation": "Categorías"
"id": "About",
"message": "About",
"translation": "Sobre"
"id": "Log in",
"message": "Log in",
"translation": "Iniciar Sesión"
"id": "Log out",
"message": "Log out",
"translation": "Cerrar Sesión"
"id": "GQL Playground",
"message": "GQL Playground",
"translation": "Zona de pruebas de GQL"
"id": "Save Link",
"message": "Save Link",
"translation": "Guardar Enlace"
"id": "Save Note",
"message": "Save Note",
"translation": "Guardar Noa"
"id": "Personal Tokens",
"message": "Personal Tokens",
"translation": "Token Personales"
"id": "Client Applications",
"message": "Client Applications",
"translation": "Aplicaciones Clientes"
"id": "Lists",
"message": "Lists",
"translation": "Listas"
"id": "Short Links",
"message": "Short Links",
"translation": "Links Cortos"
"id": "Admin",
"message": "Admin",
"translation": "Administrar"
"id": "Help",
"message": "Help",
"translation": "Ayuda"
"id": "Blog",
"message": "Blog",
"translation": "Blog"
"id": "Update Links",
"message": "Update Links",
"translation": "Actualizar Links"
"id": "URL",
"message": "URL",
"translation": "URL"
"id": "Order",
"message": "Order",
"translation": "Orden"
"id": "Delete List",
"message": "Delete List",
"translation": "Eliminar Lista"
"id": "Something went wrong. The link could not be deleted.",
"message": "Something went wrong. The link could not be deleted.",
"translation": "Algo salió mal. El enlace no pudo ser eliminado"
"id": "Link successfully deleted",
"message": "Link successfully deleted",
"translation": "Enlace creado con éxito"
"id": "Do you really whant to delete this link",
"message": "Do you really whant to delete this link",
"translation": "Desea eliminar este link"
"id": "Create Links",
"message": "Create Links",
"translation": "Crear Links"
"id": "Previous",
"message": "Previous",
"translation": "Anterior"
"id": "No Links",
"message": "No Links",
"translation": "Sin Links"
"id": "Update List",
"message": "Update List",
"translation": "Actualizar Lista"
"id": "Domain",
"message": "Domain",
"translation": "Dominio"
"id": "Is Default",
"message": "Is Default",
"translation": "Es por defecto"
"id": "Delete Picture",
"message": "Delete Picture",
"translation": "Eliminar Foto"
"id": "Other",
"message": "Other",
"translation": "Otro"
"id": "Other Name",
"message": "Other Name",
"translation": "Otro Nombre"
"id": "Social Links",
"message": "Social Links",
"translation": "Links Sociales"
"id": "Listing successfully updated.",
"message": "Listing successfully updated.",
"translation": "Lista creada con éxito"
"id": "Create List",
"message": "Create List",
"translation": "Crear Lista"
"id": "A list was successfully created.",
"message": "A list was successfully created.",
"translation": "Una lista fue creada con éxito"
"id": "Manage Links",
"message": "Manage Links",
"translation": "Manejar Links"
"id": "No Lists",
"message": "No Lists",
"translation": "Sin Listas"
"id": "Creation Date",
"message": "Creation Date",
"translation": "Fecha de Creación"
"id": "QR Codes",
"message": "QR Codes",
"translation": "Códigos QR"
"id": "List successfully deleted",
"message": "List successfully deleted",
"translation": "Lista eliminada con éxito"
"id": "Do you really whant to delete this list",
"message": "Do you really whant to delete this list",
"translation": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar esta lista?"
"id": "Create QR Code",
"message": "Create QR Code",
"translation": "Crear Código QR"
"id": "Create",
"message": "Create",
"translation": "Crear"
"id": "Download",
"message": "Download",
"translation": "Descargar"
"id": "Custom background image",
"message": "Custom background image",
"translation": "Fondo de pantalla personalizado"
"id": "QR Code succesfully created",
"message": "QR Code succesfully created",
"translation": "Código QR creado con éxito"
"id": "QR Code Listing",
"message": "QR Code Listing",
"translation": "Código QR de Lista"
"id": "View",
"message": "View",
"translation": "Ver"
"id": "No QR Codes",
"message": "No QR Codes",
"translation": "No hay Códigos QR"
"id": "Disconnect Mattermost",
"message": "Disconnect Mattermost",
"translation": "Desconectar Mattermost"
"id": "Mattermost successfully disconnected",
"message": "Mattermost successfully disconnected",
"translation": "Mattermost desconectado con éxito"
"id": "Do you really want to disconnect this organization from mattermost",
"message": "Do you really want to disconnect this organization from mattermost",
"translation": "Desea realmente desconectar esta organización de mattermost"
"id": "Connect Mattermost",
"message": "Connect Mattermost",
"translation": "Connectar con Mattermost"
"id": "This team is already tied to an organization",
"message": "This team is already tied to an organization",
"translation": "Este equipo ya se encuentra vinculado a una organización"
"id": "Do you want to connect this organization to mattermost?",
"message": "Do you want to connect this organization to mattermost?",
"translation": "¿Deseas conectar esta organización con mattermost?"
"id": "This feature is restricted to free accounts. Please upgrade.",
"message": "This feature is restricted to free accounts. Please upgrade.",
"translation": "Esta función está restringida para cuentas gratis. Por favor actualiza"
"id": "Organization linked successfully with mattermost",
"message": "Organization linked successfully with mattermost",
"translation": "La organización fue vinculada con éxito"
"id": "Sorry, free accounts do not support Mattermost Integration. Please upgrade to continue",
"message": "Sorry, free accounts do not support Mattermost Integration. Please upgrade to continue",
"translation": "Lo sentimos, las cuentas gratuitas no soportan la integración con Mattermost. Por favor actualice"
"id": "Connect User",
"message": "Connect User",
"translation": "Conectar Usuario"
"id": "In order to interact with the mattermost you have to connect your account with your link user",
"message": "In order to interact with the mattermost you have to connect your account with your link user",
"translation": "Para interactuar con mattermost tienes que conectar tu cuenta con tu usuario de Link Taco"
"id": "Do you want to proceed?",
"message": "Do you want to proceed?",
"translation": "¿Desea proceder?"
"id": "User connected successfully",
"message": "User connected successfully",
"translation": "Usuario conectado con éxito"
"id": "No slack connection found",
"message": "No slack connection found",
"translation": "Connexión con slack no encontrada"
"id": "We sent you a private msg",
"message": "We sent you a private msg",
"translation": "Te enviamos un mensaje privado"
"id": "The text to be searched is required",
"message": "The text to be searched is required",
"translation": "El texto a ser buscado es requerido"
"id": "No links were found for {Text}",
"message": "No links were found for {Text}",
"translation": "No se encuentraron links para {Text}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Text",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "text"
"id": "No organization found",
"message": "No organization found",
"translation": "Organización no encontrada"
"id": "The title is required",
"message": "The title is required",
"translation": "El título es requerido"
"id": "The url is required",
"message": "The url is required",
"translation": "La url es requerida"
"id": "The code is required",
"message": "The code is required",
"translation": "El código es requerido"
"id": "The domain is required",
"message": "The domain is required",
"translation": "El dominio es requerido"
"id": "Domain not found",
"message": "Domain not found",
"translation": "Dominio no encontrado"
"id": "A new short was created succesfully",
"message": "A new short was created succesfully",
"translation": "A nuevo short fue creado con éxito"
"id": "Url is required",
"message": "Url is required",
"translation": "Url es requerida"
"id": "A new link was created succesfully",
"message": "A new link was created succesfully",
"translation": "Un nuevo enlace fue creado con éxito"
"id": "Please click in the following link to tie a org {String}",
"message": "Please click in the following link to tie a org {String}",
"translation": "Por favor haga click en el próximo link para vincular una organización {String}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "String",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "baseURL.String()"
"id": "Installed successfully",
"message": "Installed successfully",
"translation": "Instalacción exitosa"
"id": "Short Link",
"message": "Short Link",
"translation": "Link Corto"
"id": "No Short Links",
"message": "No Short Links",
"translation": "Sin Links Cortos"
"id": "Create Short Link",
"message": "Create Short Link",
"translation": "Crear Link Corto"
"id": "Short Code",
"message": "Short Code",
"translation": "Código Corto"
"id": "No Domain",
"message": "No Domain",
"translation": "Sin Dominio"
"id": "An short link was successfully created.",
"message": "An short link was successfully created.",
"translation": "Un link corto fue creado con éxito"
"id": "Update Short Link",
"message": "Update Short Link",
"translation": "Actualizar Link Corto"
"id": "Short link successfully updated.",
"message": "Short link successfully updated.",
"translation": "Link Corto actualizado con éxito"
"id": "Delete Short Link",
"message": "Delete Short Link",
"translation": "Eliminar Link Corto"
"id": "Short Link successfully deleted",
"message": "Short Link successfully deleted",
"translation": "Link Corto eliminado con éxito"
"id": "URL Shortening powered by Link Taco!",
"message": "URL Shortening powered by Link Taco!",
"translation": "URL acortada por Link Taco!"
"id": "No URL argument was given",
"message": "No URL argument was given",
"translation": "No se proporcionó un argumento de URL"
"id": "{Domstr}: domain not found",
"message": "{Domstr}: domain not found",
"translation": "{Domstr}: dominio no encontrado",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Domstr",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "domstr"
"id": "Your short link was successfully created: {String}",
"message": "Your short link was successfully created: {String}",
"translation": "Tu enlace corto fue creado con éxito: {String}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "String",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "shortURL.String()"
"id": "Your link was successfully saved. Details here: {String}",
"message": "Your link was successfully saved. Details here: {String}",
"translation": "Tu enlace fue guardado con éxito. Detalles aquí: {String}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "String",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "lurl.String()"
"id": "Link Search",
"message": "Link Search",
"translation": "Buscar Link"
"id": "Please link your slack user with link: {Url}",
"message": "Please link your slack user with link: {Url}",
"translation": "Por favor vincule tu usuario de slack con el link: {Url}",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Url",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "url"
"id": "We sent you a direct message with instructions",
"message": "We sent you a direct message with instructions",
"translation": "Te enviamos un mensaje directo con instrucciones"
"id": "Add Link",
"message": "Add Link",
"translation": "Agregar Link"
"id": "Disconnect Slack",
"message": "Disconnect Slack",
"translation": "Desconectar de Slack"
"id": "Slack successfully disconnected",
"message": "Slack successfully disconnected",
"translation": "Slack fue desconectado con éxito"
"id": "Do you really want to disconnect this organization from slack",
"message": "Do you really want to disconnect this organization from slack",
"translation": "Desea desconectar esta organización de slack"
"id": "Sorry, free accounts do not support Slack Integration. Please upgrade to continue",
"message": "Sorry, free accounts do not support Slack Integration. Please upgrade to continue",
"translation": "Lo sentimos, las cuentas gratis no soportan integración con Slack. Por favor actualice su subscripcón para continuar"
"id": "In order to interact with Link Taco you have to connect you slack account with your link user",
"message": "In order to interact with Link Taco you have to connect you slack account with your link user",
"translation": "Para interactuar con Link Taco tienes que conectar tu cuenta de slack con tu usuario de Link Taco"
"id": "Something went wrong. The user could not be linked.",
"message": "Something went wrong. The user could not be linked.",
"translation": "Algo salió mal. El usuario no puede ser vinculado."
"id": "Connect to Slack Workspace",
"message": "Connect to Slack Workspace",
"translation": "Conectar a Slack Workspace"
"id": "Invalid slack response",
"message": "Invalid slack response",
"translation": "Respuesta de slack inválida"
"id": "Do you want to connect with slack?",
"message": "Do you want to connect with slack?",
"translation": "¿Deseas conectar con Slack?"
"id": "Organization linked successfully with slack",
"message": "Organization linked successfully with slack",
"translation": "Organización vinculada con éxito con slack"
"id": "Invalid email and/or password",
"message": "Invalid email and/or password",
"translation": "Email y/o password inválido"
"id": "New passwords do not match",
"message": "New passwords do not match",
"translation": "Las nuevas contraseñas no coinciden"
"id": "User is not authenticated",
"message": "User is not authenticated",
"translation": "El usuario no está autenticado"
"id": "Current password given is incorrect",
"message": "Current password given is incorrect",
"translation": "La contraseña actual es incorrecta"
"id": "This field is required.",
"message": "This field is required.",
"translation": "Este campo es requerido"
"id": "Please enter a valid email address.",
"message": "Please enter a valid email address.",
"translation": "Por favor introduzca un correo válido"
"id": "Please enter a valid phone number.",
"message": "Please enter a valid phone number.",
"translation": "Por favor introduzca un número válido"
"id": "Failed the '{Tag}' tag.",
"message": "Failed the '{Tag}' tag.",
"translation": "El '{Tag}' falló.",
"placeholders": [
"id": "Tag",
"string": "%[1]s",
"type": "string",
"underlyingType": "string",
"argNum": 1,
"expr": "err.Tag()"