Added missing Spanish translations. Should now be complete.
Changelog-added: 40ish missing Spanish translations. The app should now
once again be fully translated to Spanish.
Add a bot check to avoid annoying error emails.
Add helper to stop bots from tag crawling. Now requests to public profiles, recent, and popular bookmarks pages will require login if they want to filter by more than 2 tags.
Changelog-changed: require login to view recent, popular, or public
bookmark pages while filtering by more than 2 tags.
Signed-off-by: Peter Sanchez <>
Adding a simple go routine to process BaseURL metadata if they have previously failed.
This will allow 1 day between attempts and a maximum of 3 tries before
giving up on parsing that particular URL.
Changelog-changed: Failed metadata collection on base url's will be
attempted a max of 3 times in 1 day intervals.
Adding GraphQL calls for audit logs.
GraphQL api version bump
Changelog-added: GraphQL calls for audit logs
Changelog-changed: GraphQL api version: minor version bump
Removing calling of ParseBaseURL during bulk import
No retries on import tasks to avoid import queue being full
Bumping gobwebs and dependencies.
Fixing, again, setting org type
Fixing call for admins to specify org type
Adding restrictions to avoid saving multiple bookmarks with the same organization. Now the system will not add the same link twice to the same organization.
Changelog-changed: No longer allowing duplicate bookmarks to be saved
under the same organization.
Signed-off-by: Peter Sanchez <>
Moving imports into async task using a special queue that has a larger buffer and more workers to process the base url's efficiently.
Changelog-changed: Pinboard import now uses streaming json decoding to
avoid loading large files completely into memory.
Signed-off-by: Peter Sanchez <>
Add audit log when bookmarks are imported via the import tool.
Add length checker for tag imports.
Changelog-added: additional import sanity checking to avoid db layer
errors (ie, max length exceeded).
Change the server version
Fix import error when bookmark title is more than 150 characters
Adding audit logs for various data modification functions.