
1799b369c2fdd92d156171d754c7db95e705b62d — Peter Sanchez 4 years ago 536e5b7
Updating links to contributing doc
2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M git/index.md
M hg/index.md
M git/index.md => git/index.md +6 -1
@@ 6,10 6,15 @@ You can find all Git repositories on [git.code.netlandish.com][nlgit]. If
you have an account on our systems then you can also create your own repos for
hosting, etc.

## Collaboration

Collaboration is handled via email. All patches, discussion, code review, etc. 
is done via email and our sourcehut platform.

See the [contributing documentation](/contributing.md) for information on how
to contribute to our repositories.

Please read the [git email](/git/email.md) setup documentation for more 
details on configuring your `git` install.

[nlgit]: https://git.code.netlandish.com

M hg/index.md => hg/index.md +5 -2
@@ 36,7 36,10 @@ repo.
Collaboration is handled via email. All patches, discussion, code review, etc. 
is done via email and our sourcehut platform.

Please read the [mercurial email](/hg/email.md) setup documentation for more 
See the [contributing documentation](/contributing.md) for information on how
to contribute to our repositories.

Please read the [Mercurial email](/hg/email.md) setup documentation for more 
details on configuring your `hg` install.

[nlhg]: https://hg.code.netlandish.com