
7b4ff6cfcdde745f6a3ac8ab48a29190a54ef518 — Peter Sanchez 2 months ago e2c7ddc
Small template fixes
3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M billing/routes.go
M core/routes.go
M templates/feature_tour.html
M billing/routes.go => billing/routes.go +1 -0
@@ 191,6 191,7 @@ func (s *Service) CheckoutCancel(c echo.Context) error {
	lt := localizer.GetSessionLocalizer(c)
	pd := localizer.NewPageData(lt.Translate("Checkout Cancelled"))
	pd.Data["message"] = lt.Translate("Your subscription payment has been cancelled")
	pd.Data["continue"] = lt.Translate("Continue")
	gmap := gobwebs.Map{
		"pd": pd,

M core/routes.go => core/routes.go +2 -1
@@ 408,8 408,9 @@ func (s *Service) FeatureTour(c echo.Context) error {
	pd.Data["line7a"] = lt.Translate("Since we're a")
	pd.Data["line7b"] = lt.Translate("100%% open source project")
	pd.Data["line7c"] = lt.Translate(" you can host your own instance if you'd " +
		"like full control over your own platform. See the install docs for more.",
		"like full control over your own platform.",
	pd.Data["line7d"] = lt.Translate("See the installation documentation for more.")
	pd.Data["line8"] = lt.Translate(
		"Ready to get started? It's free to make an account and use it forever (with " +
			"some limitations). To use all features you have to pay just a few bucks a year, " +

M templates/feature_tour.html => templates/feature_tour.html +1 -1
@@ 19,7 19,7 @@
    <p>{{.pd.Data.line7a}} <a href="{{ .repo }}" target="_blank">{{ .pd.Data.line7b }}</a> {{ .pd.Data.line7c }}</p>
    <p>{{.pd.Data.line7a}} <a href="{{ .repo }}" target="_blank">{{ .pd.Data.line7b }}</a> {{ .pd.Data.line7c }} <a href="https://man.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/links" target="_blank">{{ .pd.Data.line7d }}</a></p>
  <section class="col-4">