
dff42edb40a9a9bd5d1f1de39f7c5019c5f43645 — Peter Sanchez 4 years ago c09cb6f
Small updates all around
3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

M git/email.md
M hg/email.md
M index.md
M git/email.md => git/email.md +1 -1
@@ 52,7 52,7 @@ this easy (in mutt, you can use the `|` key to pipe an email directly to `git
am`), or tools like [offlineimap][offlineimap] can help (or a combination of the
two!). Most popular end-user clients do not provide this option. If you're in
this boat, the easiest way to get a raw email is to use the "raw" link on
lists.sr.ht, which is hidden away under the "details" button.
lists.code.netlandish.com, which is hidden away under the "details" button.

[git-am]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-am
[git-commit-amend]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-commit#Documentation/git-commit.txt---amend

M hg/email.md => hg/email.md +8 -8
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ It's been adapted to fit our setup where appropriate.

[srhthg]: https://man.sr.ht/hg.sr.ht/email.md

sr.ht leverages mercurial's built-in collaboration tools for contributing to
Sourcehut leverages mercurial's built-in collaboration tools for contributing to
projects hosted here. This guide will help you get started. If you run into any
trouble, please send an email to the [sr.ht-discuss][sr.ht-discuss] mailing list
for help.

@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ compose emails with HTML, so you can use rich text formatting. Rich text is not
desirable for development-oriented email conversations, so you should disable
this feature and send your email as "plain text". Every email client is
different, you should research the options for your specific client. HTML emails
are rejected by all sr.ht services.
are rejected by all Sourcehut services.

For real-world examples of how the discussions described in this document play
out, check out the [sr.ht-dev][sr.ht-dev] mailing list.

@@ 157,9 157,9 @@ version of your patches, use `hg email` normally, except:
- Add `--flag V2` to indicate that this is version 2 of your patch (or whatever
  number is appropriate).
- Optionally, add `--in-reply-to [msgid]`, where `[msgid]` is the message ID of
  the last email in the thread. On lists.sr.ht you can get this by clicking
  "details" on the email in question. If you can't find this, don't sweat it,
  it's no big deal.
  the last email in the thread. On lists.code.netlandish.com you can get this
  by clicking "details" on the email in question. If you can't find this, don't
  sweat it, it's no big deal.

[hg-commit]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/doc/hg.1.html#commit
[hg-rebase]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/doc/hg.1.html#rebase

@@ 246,16 246,16 @@ obtaining a copy of the email to provide to `hg import`. Some clients like
directly to `hg import -`), or tools like [offlineimap][offlineimap] can help (or
a combination of the two!). Most popular end-user clients do not provide this
option. If you're in this boat, the easiest way to get a raw email is to use the
"raw" link on lists.sr.ht, which is hidden away under the "details" button.
"raw" link on lists.code.netlandish.com, which is hidden away under the "details" button.

[hg-import]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/doc/hg.1.html#import
[mutt]: http://www.mutt.org
[offlineimap]: http://www.offlineimap.org/

If you copy the link to the raw email from lists.sr.ht, you can pass that
If you copy the link to the raw email from lists.code.netlandish.com, you can pass that
directly to `hg import` and it will download it for you:

    hg import https://lists.sr.ht/...
    hg import https://lists.code.netlandish.com/...

You can also just run `hg import -` paste the patch into it, followed by Ctrl+D.

M index.md => index.md +5 -3
@@ 17,13 17,14 @@ designed to work totally independent of each other (well, for the most part.)

This allows us to slowly roll out new services as needed.

Sourcehut is also 100% open source and has a small, but active, community.
While we know that it's still primitive looking and rough around the
edges, it's already a very advanced system with advanced methods of
Sourcehut is also 100% open source and has a small, but active and growing,
community. While we know that it's still primitive looking and rough around
the edges, it's already a very advanced system with advanced methods of
collaboration. Some may call it **hardcore** but we call it *comfortable*.

Here are the list of services we currently have running:

- [code.netlandish.com][nlhub] - Project Hub's
- [hg.code.netlandish.com][nlhg] - Mercurial Repo Hosting
- [git.code.netlandish.com][nlgit] - Git Repo Hosting
- [meta.code.netlandish.com][nlmeta] - Account Management

@@ 52,6 53,7 @@ updates.

[bbhg]: https://bitbucket.org/blog/sunsetting-mercurial-support-in-bitbucket
[srht]: https://sourcehut.org
[nlhub]: https://code.netlandish.com
[nlhg]: https://hg.code.netlandish.com
[nlgit]: https://git.code.netlandish.com
[nlmeta]: https://meta.code.netlandish.com

Do not follow this link