M index.md => index.md +4 -0
@@ 12,6 12,10 @@ description: 'Documentation for the software and usage of LinkTaco'
- [Import / Export Data](import-export.md)
- [Custom Domains](custom-domains.md)
+# Support
+- [Support, Requests, & IRC](support.md)
# API / GraphQL
- [OAuth 2 Implementation](oauth.md)
A support.md => support.md +96 -0
@@ 0,0 1,96 @@
+title: 'How to get support for LinkTaco?'
+description: 'Where and how to get support for LinkTaco'
+LinkTaco is an open source project. Yes we have the hosted SaaS service but it
+makes virtually no money (currently). Still we are committed to doing our best
+to support our users and help our community grow.
+# How to get support?
+The best way to get support is browse the documentation to make sure your
+question isn't answered already.
+Next you can send an email to the [discussion mailing list][dli] requesting
+support. The email address is:
+Note, requests sent to the discussion mailing list are public. So anyone
+subscribed to the list will get the request and have the opportunity to respond
+and help with your request.
+If you'd like to subscribe to the mailing list and receive notifications when
+new discussions arrive just send a subscribe email to:
+If you'd like your support request to be private please send an email to:
+And we will do our best to help you out asap!
+You can also ask for help in our [IRC](#IRC) channel. You can read about that
+[dli]: https://lists.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/links-discuss
+[dliml]: mailto:~netlandish/links-discuss@lists.code.netlandish.com
+[dlimls]: mailto:~netlandish/links-discuss+subscribe@lists.code.netlandish.com
+[hlt]: mailto:hello@linktaco.com
+# Submit issues or requests?
+If you'd like to report bugs or feature requests you can do so using our [public
+ticket tracker][tt]. You can submit your request by sending an email to the
+following email address:
+If you'd like to subscribe to the ticket tracker and receive notifications when
+new requests happen or when updates to existing tickets happen just send a
+subscribe email to:
+[tt]: https://todo.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/links
+[ttml]: mailto:~netlandish/links@todo.code.netlandish.com
+[ttmls]: mailto:~netlandish/links/subscribe@todo.code.netlandish.com
+# IRC
+LinkTaco has registered the following channel on the [Libera.chat][libera] IRC
+Feel free to join and chat! Please be patient when asking questions, it may take a while for someone to answer.
+[ltirc]: ircs://irc.libera.chat/linktaco
+[libera]: https://libera.chat
+## New to IRC?
+If you are new to IRC and would like to try it out in your browser, see [Libera
+Web IRC][webirc]. Make sure you specify one of the above channels when you
+Also see [Wikipedia's IRC tutorial][ircwiki].
+[webirc]: https://web.libera.chat
+[ircwiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IRC/Tutorial
+## Clients
+There are several free IRC clients available in Alpine Linux. Here are some popular clients:
+- [Irssi](https://irssi.org/)
+- [WeeChat](https://weechat.org/)
+- [HexChat](https://hexchat.github.io/)
+- [ircii](http://www.eterna23.net/ircii/)
+- [Pidgin](https://pidgin.im/)
+Also see [Wikipedia's comparison of IRC clients][wikiclients].
+[wikiclients]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients