
51a680c871fc9a1520b64ee152df0f77c4ec253a — Peter Sanchez 17 days ago 73a3083
Adding support page
2 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M index.md
A support.md
M index.md => index.md +4 -0
@@ 12,6 12,10 @@ description: 'Documentation for the software and usage of LinkTaco'
- [Import / Export Data](import-export.md)
- [Custom Domains](custom-domains.md)

# Support

- [Support, Requests, & IRC](support.md)

# API / GraphQL

- [OAuth 2 Implementation](oauth.md)

A support.md => support.md +96 -0
@@ 0,0 1,96 @@
title: 'How to get support for LinkTaco?'
description: 'Where and how to get support for LinkTaco'

LinkTaco is an open source project. Yes we have the hosted SaaS service but it
makes virtually no money (currently). Still we are committed to doing our best
to support our users and help our community grow.

# How to get support?

The best way to get support is browse the documentation to make sure your
question isn't answered already.

Next you can send an email to the [discussion mailing list][dli] requesting
support. The email address is:


Note, requests sent to the discussion mailing list are public. So anyone
subscribed to the list will get the request and have the opportunity to respond
and help with your request.

If you'd like to subscribe to the mailing list and receive notifications when
new discussions arrive just send a subscribe email to:


If you'd like your support request to be private please send an email to:


And we will do our best to help you out asap!

You can also ask for help in our [IRC](#IRC) channel. You can read about that

[dli]: https://lists.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/links-discuss
[dliml]:  mailto:~netlandish/links-discuss@lists.code.netlandish.com
[dlimls]:  mailto:~netlandish/links-discuss+subscribe@lists.code.netlandish.com
[hlt]:  mailto:hello@linktaco.com

# Submit issues or requests?

If you'd like to report bugs or feature requests you can do so using our [public
ticket tracker][tt]. You can submit your request by sending an email to the
following email address:


If you'd like to subscribe to the ticket tracker and receive notifications when
new requests happen or when updates to existing tickets happen just send a
subscribe email to:


[tt]: https://todo.code.netlandish.com/~netlandish/links
[ttml]:  mailto:~netlandish/links@todo.code.netlandish.com
[ttmls]:  mailto:~netlandish/links/subscribe@todo.code.netlandish.com


LinkTaco has registered the following channel on the [Libera.chat][libera] IRC


Feel free to join and chat! Please be patient when asking questions, it may take a while for someone to answer.

[ltirc]: ircs://irc.libera.chat/linktaco
[libera]: https://libera.chat

## New to IRC?

If you are new to IRC and would like to try it out in your browser, see [Libera
Web IRC][webirc]. Make sure you specify one of the above channels when you

Also see [Wikipedia's IRC tutorial][ircwiki].

[webirc]: https://web.libera.chat
[ircwiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IRC/Tutorial

## Clients

There are several free IRC clients available in Alpine Linux. Here are some popular clients:

- [Irssi](https://irssi.org/)
- [WeeChat](https://weechat.org/)
- [HexChat](https://hexchat.github.io/)
- [ircii](http://www.eterna23.net/ircii/)
- [Pidgin](https://pidgin.im/)

Also see [Wikipedia's comparison of IRC clients][wikiclients].

[wikiclients]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients

Do not follow this link