
2b1c11c954172a24a879d95beb832caf8d1bc659 — Peter Sanchez 2 months ago 7e104a0
Adding IP address to error email
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M server/server.go
M server/server.go => server/server.go +3 -1
@@ 228,13 228,15 @@ With these variables:

By the user: %s

With Remote IP: %s

Attempted to collect final caller:


The following stack trace was produced:

%s`, err, c.Request().URL.Path, c.Path(), c.QueryParams(), userStr, file, line, stack)
%s`, err, c.Request().URL.Path, c.Path(), c.QueryParams(), userStr, c.RealIP(), file, line, stack)

			msg := carrier.NewMessage().