--- title: Documentation Wiki's on code.netlandish.com --- Welcome to the Netlandish software management systems. Thanks to BitBucket [sunsetting support for Mercurial][bbhg] we've been forced to find a new place to host our repositories, workflow, etc. We decided that it's best that we're not in this situation again in the future and that we should have our own systems to manage our code, CI/CD, ticket tracker, etc. We looked at several options and decided that [sourcehut][srht], aka sr.ht, was the best fit for us. It's a suite of very light weight applications designed to work totally independent of each other (well, for the most part.) This allows us to slowly roll out new services as needed. Sourcehut is also 100% open source and has a small, but active and growing, community. While we know that it's still primitive looking and rough around the edges, it's already a very advanced system with advanced methods of collaboration. Some may call it **hardcore** but we call it *comfortable*. Here are the list of services we currently have running: - [code.netlandish.com][nlhub] - Project Hub's - [hg.code.netlandish.com][nlhg] - Mercurial Repo Hosting - [git.code.netlandish.com][nlgit] - Git Repo Hosting - [meta.code.netlandish.com][nlmeta] - Account Management - [todo.code.netlandish.com][nltodo] - Issue Trackers - [lists.code.netlandish.com][nllists] - Mailing Lists - [man.code.netlandish.com][nlman] - Wiki Hosting (Where you're reading this) ## Service Emails A few of the services (todo, lists, etc.) will send out emails for various things. Maybe it's reset password or a new post to a mailing list. Each of these emails will be signed by the system's PGP key. You can use this to verify the sender is actually from the code.netlandish.com systems. [Download our public key][publickey.txt] Fingerprint 3DCB5CBA04B3818978ACE9E917063379E2C4B95E SHA256 Sum 69b339aeb483c0e1ab2302d48f8897e54671118a1f4c061b73b3e865a3945f3e publickey.txt ## Service Specific Docs Here are some service specific docs: - [Mercurial Docs](/hg) - [Git Docs](/git) - [Mailing Lists](/lists) **Note:** This platform is still very new, even to us, and the docs are very limited. While this platform is mostly for the Netlandish staff and family companies, we also understand that there are collaborators who want to contribute to some of our open source projects. Please bear with us while we work out all the kinks. ## Status Please refer to the [status page](status.md) for any service issues or status updates. [bbhg]: https://bitbucket.org/blog/sunsetting-mercurial-support-in-bitbucket [srht]: https://sourcehut.org [nlhub]: https://code.netlandish.com [nlhg]: https://hg.code.netlandish.com [nlgit]: https://git.code.netlandish.com [nlmeta]: https://meta.code.netlandish.com [nltodo]: https://todo.code.netlandish.com [nllists]: https://lists.code.netlandish.com [nlman]: https://man.code.netlandish.com