
d5b6aecc4cd92daa6d4b5d50adb56af746815225 — Peter Sanchez 3 years ago 04e814b
Updating README, config, etc.
5 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

M .gitignore
A attachments/README.md
A json/README.md
M trello2redmine_config.py
M .gitignore => .gitignore +2 -1
@@ 1,3 1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file

M README.md => README.md +52 -2
@@ 1,5 1,20 @@
# trello2redmine

From Peter:

This is a copy of the [original version][og] of this script. It's essentially
the same with some additional improvements and helpers. We ran dozens of
projects on Trello and due to changes in both functionality and billing, we
decided we would rather control our data versus constantly having to adapt to
their updates.

We'd already used Redmine for other projects and just decided to migrate
everything over.

[og]: https://github.com/okurz/trello2redmine


This is a tiny tool I've written to migrate all of our issue tracking data at once. It uses Trello's JSON export feature and the JSON flavour of [Redmine's REST API](http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_api).

We had been using [Trello](http://trello.com) as a stop-gap solution while our internal services (including [Redmine](http://www.redmine.org)) were being set up. Hence the limited scope of support for features – it was a one-time operation, and I don't really have a vested interest in the application, but it may be of use to others.

@@ 10,6 25,15 @@ Tested with Python 2.7, but was written with Python 3 compatibility in mind.

Beyond the standard library, the script only requires [Requests](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/install/) for HTTP support.

From Peter:

You will also need a Trello API key to migrate attachments. Also, our Redmine
install uses the [checklists plugin][cl] from RedmineUP. So if you don't have
that plugin, just look at the commit history to see the change. You can easily
revert my checklist changes to the original way.

[cl]: https://www.redmineup.com/pages/plugins/checklists

## Configuration and usage

Edit [trello2redmine_config.py](trello2redmine_config.py) and fill in the details of your installation. Then just run the script.

@@ 25,11 49,36 @@ Not all features of Trello are supported. What works:
* mapping Trello lists to Redmine statuses,
* mapping Trello card labels to Redmine priorities.

From Peter:

* Checklists are now imported using the RedmineUP [checklist plugin][cl]
* Attachments are migrated
* Ability to specify lists who's card's should not have their attachments
* Multiple assignments are migrated (first user is assignee, rest are watchers)
* List to redmine version support. Versions specified that are not in Redmine
  will automatically be created.
* Label to status mapping as well (see config file for example)
* Set status for lists that are closed (archived)
* General improvements to make it faster by saving json responses from Redmine
  per project.
* Basic recovery support by saving which cards have been successfully imported
  and skipping those should you need to restart.

What doesn't:

* multiple Trello card assignees: corresponding Redmine issue will only be assigned to the first one in Redmine,
* everything else.

## Final comment from Peter

This was done simply to move data. This is not a script I'm "proud" to share,
even if I'm not the original author. It works great but the code is ugly,
thrown together, hacky, violates many Python best practices and style
guidelines, etc. Don't judge!

Also huge thank you to Leszek Godlewski for the original version. It helped me
get our data migrated much faster with the huge head start the script gave!

## Licensing


@@ 37,6 86,7 @@ What doesn't:
                    Version 2, December 2004 

 Copyright (C) 2016 Leszek Godlewski
 Copyright (C) 2021 Peter Sanchez

 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified 
 copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long 

@@ 46,4 96,4 @@ What doesn't:

\ No newline at end of file

A attachments/README.md => attachments/README.md +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
Leave this directory. Attachments will be stored temporarily in this directory.

A json/README.md => json/README.md +2 -0
@@ 0,0 1,2 @@
Leave this directory. Script will store project specific details about your
Redmine install. This avoids having to query your install all the time.

M trello2redmine_config.py => trello2redmine_config.py +52 -15
@@ 4,31 4,68 @@
# All data here is exemplary, you need to fill it properly for the script to work!

# Trello configuration
trello_board_link = 'https://trello.com/b/nSONZFOR'	# As found on the board in Menu -> More -> Link to this board.
trello_board_link = "https://trello.com/b/nSONZFOR"  # As found on the board in Menu -> More -> Link to this board.

# Redmine configuration
redmine_root_url = 'https://progress.opensuse.org'
redmine_project_identifier = 'qam-qasle-collaboration'	# As appears in the Redmine URLs.
redmine_default_user = 'Oliver Kurz'			# Trello cards which are unassigned or whose assignee does not have a mapping in username_map will be assigned to this Redmine user.
redmine_verify_certificates = True			# Whether to verify SSL certificates.
redmine_api_key = ''				# Redmine REST API key. See: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_api#Authentication
redmine_root_url = "https://your-redmine-install.com"
redmine_project_identifier = "your-project"  # As appears in the Redmine URLs.
redmine_default_user = "Netlandish Bot"  # Trello cards which are unassigned or whose assignee does not have a mapping in username_map will be assigned to this Redmine user.
redmine_verify_certificates = True  # Whether to verify SSL certificates.
redmine_api_key = "PLACE YOUR REDMINE API KEY HERE"  # Redmine REST API key. See: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_api#Authentication

# Trello card label to Redmine priority map.
# To import attachments, you need a Trello API key and token.
# You  must create a Trello app to get the API Key. Then you need to get your token.
# You can get the token from:
# https://trello.com/1/authorize?key=YOUR_API_KEY&name=Your+App+Name&expiration=never&response_type=token&scope=read,write
trello_apikey = "YOUR TRELLO API KEY"
trello_token = "YOUR TRELLO API TOKEN"

# Trello card label to Redmine tracker or status map
# Use "Status:<status name>" if you want to translate a label to a status
label_map = {
	u'':				u'Normal',	# Default for no label.
    u"": u"Normal",  # Default for no label.
    u"Feature": u"Feature",  # Default for no label.
    u"Task": u"Task",  # Default for no label.
    u"Bug": u"Bug",  # Default for no label.
    u"Blocked": u"Status:Info Needed",  # Default for no label.
    u"Info Needed": u"Status:Info Needed",  # Default for no label.

# Trello-to-Redmine username map. Both are displayed names, *not* logins or IDs! Redmine names are resolved to user IDs behind the scenes.
username_map = {
	u'okurz':		u'okurz',
	u'Foo Bar':			u'Foo Bar',
	u'Nickname':		u'Full Name',
    u"Peter Sanchez": u"Peter Sanchez",
    u"Foo Bar": u"Foo Bar",
    u"Nickname": u"Full Name",
    u"Jane Doe": u"Jane Doe",

# Trello list to Redmine status map. Redmine statuses are displayed names, *not* IDs! Statuses are resolved to IDs behind the scenes.
list_map = {
	u'TODO':				u'New',
	u'DOING':				u'In Progress',
	u'DONE':			u'Resolved',
	u'Standing topics / status quo updates':			u'Feedback',
    u"Ideas / Backlog": u"New",
    u"Backlog": u"New",
    u"Next Up": u"New",
    u"In Progress": u"In Progress",
    u"Ready for Demo": u"Ready for Demo",
    u"QA": u"QA Ready",
    u"Completed": u"Resolved",
    u"In Production": u"Resolved",
    u"Documents": u"Not an Issue",

# If Trello list is archived, all cards in that list should get this status
closed_list_status = u"Resolved"

# Trello list to redmine version map
# Note: If version doesn't exist in Redmine, the script will create it.
version_map = {
    u"Ideas / Backlog": u"Backlog",
    u"Backlog": u"Backlog",
    u"Known Issues / Bugs": u"Backlog",
    u"In Review": u"Backlog",
    u"Next Sprint": u"Backlog",

# Do not import attachments from cards in these Trello lists
no_file_import = [