@@ 1,49 @@
+# trello2redmine
+This is a tiny tool I've written to migrate all of our issue tracking data at once. It uses Trello's JSON export feature and the JSON flavour of [Redmine's REST API](http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_api).
+We had been using [Trello](http://trello.com) as a stop-gap solution while our internal services (including [Redmine](http://www.redmine.org)) were being set up. Hence the limited scope of support for features – it was a one-time operation, and I don't really have a vested interest in the application, but it may be of use to others.
+## Dependencies
+Tested with Python 2.7, but was written with Python 3 compatibility in mind.
+Beyond the standard library, the script only requires [Requests](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/install/) for HTTP support.
+## Configuration and usage
+Edit [trello2redmine_config.py](trello2redmine_config.py) and fill in the details of your installation. Then just run the script.
+## Known issues
+Not all features of Trello are supported. What works:
+* creating Redmine issues from Trello cards,
+* importing Trello card comments as Redmine issue comments,
+* importing Trello checklists as plain text, appended to the issue description,
+* mapping Trello users to Redmine users,
+* mapping Trello lists to Redmine statuses,
+* mapping Trello card labels to Redmine priorities.
+What doesn't:
+* multiple Trello card assignees: corresponding Redmine issue will only be assigned to the first one in Redmine,
+* everything else.
+## Licensing
+ Version 2, December 2004
+ Copyright (C) 2016 Leszek Godlewski
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
+ copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
+ as the name is changed.
\ No newline at end of file
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import trello2redmine_config as cfg
+import sys
+import json
+import requests
+import urlparse
+if len(sys.argv) > 3 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-h'):
+ print('Usage: {0} [<options>])'.format(sys.argv[0]))
+ print('See %s for configuration.' % cfg.__file__)
+ print('Options:')
+ print(' -h Displays this information.')
+ print(' -c Commits the import. Otherwise does a dry run (prints resulting JSON to screen instead of sending it to Redmine).')
+ sys.exit(0)
+# If a dry run, JSON is printed instead of submitted to Redmine.
+dry_run = len(sys.argv) < 3 or sys.argv[2] != '-c'
+if dry_run:
+ print('Making a dry run! Re-run with -c to commit the import into Redmine.')
+ print('Making a commit!')
+url = urlparse.urlparse(cfg.trello_board_link)
+if not url.netloc.endswith('trello.com'):
+ print('URL does not seem to be a Trello board link. Are you sure this is correct?')
+ sys.exit(1)
+# ============================================================================
+# Trello JSON processing starts here.
+# ============================================================================
+print('Downloading board JSON from Trello...')
+#board = json.loads(open(sys.argv[1]).read())
+board = requests.get(cfg.trello_board_link + '.json').json()
+print('Processing board JSON...')
+orig_lists_dict = {}
+lists_dict = {}
+for l in board["lists"]:
+ name = l["name"]
+ if name in cfg.list_map:
+ name = cfg.list_map[name]
+ lists_dict[l["id"]] = name
+ orig_lists_dict[l["id"]] = l["name"]
+checklists_dict = {}
+for c in board["checklists"]:
+ checklists_dict[c["id"]] = c["checkItems"]
+members_dict = {}
+for m in board["members"]:
+ name = m["fullName"]
+ if name in cfg.username_map:
+ name = cfg.username_map[name]
+ members_dict[m["id"]] = name
+labels_dict = {}
+for l in board["labels"]:
+ label = l["name"]
+ if label in cfg.label_map:
+ label = cfg.label_map[label]
+ labels_dict[l["id"]] = label
+comments_dict = {}
+for a in board["actions"]:
+ if a["type"] == "commentCard":
+ card_id = a["data"]["card"]["id"]
+ author_id = a["idMemberCreator"]
+ comment_list = comments_dict[card_id] if card_id in comments_dict else []
+ comment_list.append({
+ "author": members_dict[author_id] if author_id in members_dict else '',
+ "text": a["data"]["text"],
+ })
+ comments_dict[card_id] = comment_list
+#print('Members:\n' + str(members_dict))
+#print('Lists:\n' + str(lists_dict))
+#print('Checklists:\n' + str(checklists_dict))
+#print('Comments:\n' + str(comments_dict))
+# ============================================================================
+# Redmine configuration processing starts here.
+# ============================================================================
+print('Querying Redmine configuration...')
+redmine_projects = requests.get(cfg.redmine_root_url + '/projects.json', verify=cfg.redmine_verify_certificates, headers={'X-Redmine-API-Key': cfg.redmine_api_key}).json()
+redmine_project_id = -1
+for rp in redmine_projects["projects"]:
+ if rp["identifier"] == cfg.redmine_project_identifier:
+ redmine_project_id = rp["id"]
+ break
+if redmine_project_id < 0:
+ print('Project with identifier {0} does not exist in Redmine!\n\n{1}'.format(cfg.redmine_project_identifier, str(redmine_users_dict)))
+ sys.exit(1)
+#print('Redmine project ID: {0}'.format(redmine_project_id))
+redmine_users = requests.get(cfg.redmine_root_url + '/users.json', verify=cfg.redmine_verify_certificates, headers={'X-Redmine-API-Key': cfg.redmine_api_key}).json()
+redmine_users_dict = {}
+for ru in redmine_users["users"]:
+ fullname = u'{0} {1}'.format(ru["firstname"], ru["lastname"])
+ redmine_users_dict[fullname] = ru["id"]
+#print('Redmine users:\n' + str(redmine_users_dict))
+if not cfg.redmine_default_user in redmine_users_dict:
+ print('Default user does not exist in Redmine!\n\n{0}'.format(str(redmine_users_dict)))
+ sys.exit(1)
+redmine_priorities = requests.get(cfg.redmine_root_url + '/enumerations/issue_priorities.json', verify=cfg.redmine_verify_certificates, headers={'X-Redmine-API-Key': cfg.redmine_api_key}).json()
+redmine_priorities_dict = {}
+redmine_default_priority = "Normalny"
+for rp in redmine_priorities["issue_priorities"]:
+ redmine_priorities_dict[rp["name"]] = rp["id"]
+ if "is_default" in rp and rp["is_default"]:
+ redmine_default_priority = rp["name"]
+#print(u'Redmine priorities:\n' + str(redmine_priorities_dict))
+redmine_statuses = requests.get(cfg.redmine_root_url + '/issue_statuses.json', verify=cfg.redmine_verify_certificates, headers={'X-Redmine-API-Key': cfg.redmine_api_key}).json()
+redmine_statuses_dict = {}
+redmine_default_status = "Nowy"
+for rs in redmine_statuses["issue_statuses"]:
+ redmine_statuses_dict[rs["name"]] = rs["id"]
+ if "is_default" in rs and rs["is_default"]:
+ redmine_default_status = rs["name"]
+#print(u'Redmine statuses:\n' + str(redmine_priorities_dict))
+# ============================================================================
+# Direct Trello-to-Redmine mappings are made here.
+# ============================================================================
+print('Generating configuration mappings...')
+user_map = {}
+for id, fullname in members_dict.iteritems():
+ if not fullname in redmine_users_dict:
+ print(u'Warning: user {0} not found in Redmine, defaulting to {1}'.format(fullname, cfg.redmine_default_user))
+ fullname = cfg.redmine_default_user
+ redmine_id = redmine_users_dict[fullname]
+ user_map[id] = redmine_id
+ #print(u'Matched user {0}, Trello ID {1}, Redmine ID {2}'.format(fullname, id, redmine_id).encode('utf-8'))
+#print(u'User ID map:\n{0}\nDefault user ID: {1}'.format(str(user_map), redmine_users_dict[cfg.redmine_default_user]).encode('utf-8'))
+priority_map = {}
+for id, name in labels_dict.iteritems():
+ if not name in redmine_priorities_dict:
+ print(u'Warning: Trello label {0} is not mapped to a Redmine priority, defaulting to {1}'.format(name, redmine_default_priority).encode('utf-8'))
+ name = redmine_default_priority
+ redmine_id = redmine_priorities_dict[name]
+ priority_map[id] = redmine_id
+ #print(u'Matched label {0}, Trello ID {1}, Redmine ID {2}'.format(name, id, redmine_id).encode('utf-8'))
+#print('Redmine priorities:\n' + str(redmine_priorities_dict))
+status_map = {}
+for id, name in lists_dict.iteritems():
+ if not name in redmine_statuses_dict:
+ print(u'Warning: Trello list {0} is not mapped to a Redmine status, defaulting to {1}'.format(name, redmine_default_status).encode('utf-8'))
+ name = redmine_default_status
+ redmine_id = redmine_statuses_dict[name]
+ status_map[id] = redmine_id
+ #print(u'Matched list {0}, Trello ID {1}, Redmine ID {2}'.format(name, id, redmine_id).encode('utf-8'))
+#print('Redmine statuses:\n' + str(redmine_statuses_dict))
+# ============================================================================
+# Finally, cards processing.
+# ============================================================================
+print ('Processing cards...')
+dry_run_counter = 0
+for c in board["cards"]:
+ desc = c["desc"]
+ if c["idChecklists"]:
+ desc += u'\n'
+ for id in c["idChecklists"]:
+ for item in checklists_dict[id]:
+ desc += u'\n[{0}] {1}'.format(u'x' if item["state"] == u'complete' else u' ', item["name"])
+ card = {
+ "issue": {
+ "subject": u'[{0}][{1}] {2}'.format(board["name"], orig_lists_dict[c["idList"]], c["name"]),
+ "description": desc,
+ "project_id": redmine_project_id,
+ "assigned_to_id": user_map[c["idMembers"][0]] if c["idMembers"] else redmine_users_dict[cfg.redmine_default_user],
+ "status_id": status_map[c["idList"]] if c["idList"] else redmine_statuses_dict[redmine_default_status],
+ "priority_id": priority_map[c["idLabels"][0]] if c["idLabels"] else redmine_priorities_dict[redmine_default_priority],
+ "is_private": False
+ }
+ }
+ print(u'Importing {0}...'.format(card["issue"]["subject"]).encode('utf-8'))
+ issue_id = -1
+ if dry_run:
+ dry_run_counter += 1
+ issue_id = dry_run_counter
+ print(json.dumps(card, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
+ else:
+ result = requests.post(cfg.redmine_root_url + '/issues.json', data=json.dumps(card), verify=cfg.redmine_verify_certificates, headers={'X-Redmine-API-Key': cfg.redmine_api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json"})
+ if result.status_code >= 400:
+ print('Error {0}: Request headers:\n{1}\nResponse headers:\n{2}\nContent: {3}'.format(str(result), result.request.headers, result.headers, result.content))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ print(str(result))
+ issue = result.json()
+ issue_id = issue["issue"]["id"]
+ #print(u'Response JSON:\n{0}\nIssue ID: {1}'.format(str(issue), issue_id).encode('utf-8'))
+ if issue_id >= 0 and c["id"] in comments_dict:
+ for index, comment in enumerate(reversed(comments_dict[c["id"]])):
+ update = {
+ "issue": {
+ "notes": u'{0}:\n{1}'.format(comment["author"], comment["text"]).format('utf-8') if len(comment["author"]) > 0 else comment["text"]
+ }
+ }
+ print(u'Importing comment {0} of {1}...'.format(index + 1, len(comments_dict[c["id"]])).encode('utf-8'))
+ if dry_run:
+ print(json.dumps(update, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
+ else:
+ result = requests.put(cfg.redmine_root_url + '/issues/{0}.json'.format(issue_id), data=json.dumps(update), verify=cfg.redmine_verify_certificates, headers={'X-Redmine-API-Key': cfg.redmine_api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json"})
+ if result.status_code >= 400:
+ print('Error {0}: Request headers:\n{1}\nResponse headers:\n{2}\nContent: {3}'.format(str(result), result.request.headers, result.headers, result.content))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ print(str(result))
\ No newline at end of file
@@ 1,46 @@
+# This is the trello2redmine configuration file.
+# All data here is exemplary, you need to fill it properly for the script to work!
+# Trello configuration
+trello_board_link = 'https://example.com' # As found on the board in Menu -> More -> Link to this board.
+# Redmine configuration
+redmine_root_url = 'https://example.com'
+redmine_project_identifier = 'ProjectID' # As appears in the Redmine URLs.
+redmine_default_user = 'Foo Bar' # Trello cards which are unassigned or whose assignee does not have a mapping in username_map will be assigned to this Redmine user.
+redmine_verify_certificates = False # Whether to verify SSL certificates.
+redmine_api_key = 'fake key' # Redmine REST API key. See: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_api#Authentication
+# Trello card label to Redmine priority map.
+label_map = {
+ u'': u'Normalny', # Default for no label.
+ u'Trivial': u'Trywialny',
+ u'Mało ważne': u'Niski',
+ u'Normalne': u'Normalny',
+ u'Ważne': u'Wysoki',
+ u'VSD': u'Pilny',
+ u'Krytyczne': u'Natychmiastowy',
+# Trello-to-Redmine username map. Both are displayed names, *not* logins or IDs! Redmine names are resolved to user IDs behind the scenes.
+username_map = {
+ u'Trello User': u'Redmine User',
+ u'Foo Bar': u'Foo Bar',
+ u'Nickname': u'Full Name',
+# Trello list to Redmine status map. Redmine statuses are displayed names, *not* IDs! Statuses are resolved to IDs behind the scenes.
+list_map = {
+ u'TODO': u'Nowy',
+ u'To Do': u'Nowy',
+ u'ToDo': u'Nowy',
+ u'Backlog': u'Nowy',
+ u'Doing': u'W toku',
+ u'In progress': u'W toku',
+ u'In Progress': u'W toku',
+ u'WIP': u'W toku',
+ u'Done': u'Rozwiązany',
+ u'Confirmed': u'Zamknięty',
+ u"Won't fix/No repro": u'Odrzucony',
+ u"Won't done/fix": u'Odrzucony',
\ No newline at end of file