
88d1869176f278df39d6499e426949b8e77448ec — Peter Sanchez 2 months ago 46963bb
Adding more organization help
1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M organizations.md
M organizations.md => organizations.md +24 -0
@@ 69,6 69,30 @@ Then just save your links as you would always do. The organization it's saved
too is the one currently selected (though you can optionally change that in the
various data input forms)

# Adding a new organization

Each account can have "unlimited" organizations. To add a new one you simply
login to your account and do the following:

1. Click "Settings" on the left menu
1. Click the "Manage Organizations" button on the settings page.
1. Click the "Add" button on the top right.
1. Enter the data on the form. Some notes on each field here:
  - Name - This is what the organization is called. This will be publicly
    available. For instance, it can be your name or something like "Acme
    Marketing Miami".
  - Username - This is the slug your org will use. It will serve as it's URL
    slug where needed. For instance, the url "https://linktaco.com/acme-miami",
    has a username/slug of "acme-miami"
  - Image - If you want to use an image with your organization you can add it
    here. Usually this is a profile photo or a logo.
1. Click the "Save" button

That's it. You now have a new organization. By default organizations are free
and remember all accounts have a limit of two free organizations. So if you
wish to upgrade this new organization to paid status, please follow the steps
below and choose "Manage Subscription" option in the Actions menu.

# Managing your organizations

Because each organization is it's own entity with it's own settings, bookmarks,

Do not follow this link