
84a315dce75657a14bb89c09df506a4626385573 — Mathias Rav 6 years ago c828c5e
Make MARKDOWN_KWARGS documentation a bit more exhaustive
1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M src/wiki/conf/settings.py
M src/wiki/conf/settings.py => src/wiki/conf/settings.py +13 -3
@@ 26,9 26,13 @@ MARKDOWN_SANITIZE_HTML = getattr(

#: Arguments for the Markdown instance, for instance a list of extensions to
#: use.
#: See: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/
#: Arguments for the Markdown instance, as a dictionary. The "extensions" key
#: should be a list of extra extensions to use besides the built-in django-wiki
#: extensions, and the "extension_configs" should be a dictionary, specifying
#: the keyword-arguments to pass to each extension.
#: For a list of extensions officially supported by Python-Markdown, see:
#: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/
#: To set a custom title for table of contents, specify the following in your
#: Django project settings::

@@ 38,6 42,12 @@ MARKDOWN_SANITIZE_HTML = getattr(
#:             'wiki.plugins.macros.mdx.toc': {'title': 'Contents of this article'},
#:         },
#:     }
#: Besides the extensions enabled by the "extensions" key, the following
#: built-in django-wiki extensions can be configured with "extension_configs":
#: "wiki.core.markdown.mdx.codehilite", "wiki.core.markdown.mdx.previewlinks",
#: "wiki.core.markdown.mdx.responsivetable", "wiki.plugins.macros.mdx.macro",
#: "wiki.plugins.macros.mdx.toc", "wiki.plugins.macros.mdx.wikilinks".
    'extensions': [