@@ 140,6 140,7 @@ Q&A
* **Why is the module named just "wiki"?** Because "pip install wiki" returns "No distributions at all found for wiki"! :)
* **What markup language will you use?** [Markdown](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown). The markup renderer is not a pluggable part but has been internalized into core parts. Discussion should go here: https://github.com/benjaoming/django-wiki/issues/76
* **Why not use django-reversion?** It's a great project, but if the wiki has to grow ambitious, someone will have to optimize its behavior, and using a third-party application for something as crucial as the revision system is a no-go in this regard.
+ * **Any support for multiple wikis?** Yes, in an sense you can just imagine that you always have multiple wikis, because you always have hierarchies and full control of their permissions. See this discussion: https://github.com/benjaoming/django-wiki/issues/63